
class Tag

[source: org/scalatest/Tag.scala]

abstract class Tag(val name : java.lang.String)
extends AnyRef
Abstract class whose subclasses can be used to tag tests in types FunSuite, Spec, FlatSpec, WordSpec, FeatureSpec, and their sister traits in the org.scalatest.fixture package. For example, if you define:
 object SlowTest extends Tag("SlowTest")
then you can tag a test as a SlowTest in a FunSuite or FixtureFunSuite like this:
 import org.scalatest.FunSuite

 class MySuite extends FunSuite {

   test("my test", SlowTest) {

or in a Spec or FixtureSpec like this:

 import org.scalatest.Spec

 class MySpec extends Spec {

   it("should sleep for a second", SlowTest) {

or in a FlatSpec or FixtureFlatSpec like this:

 import org.scalatest.FlatSpec

 class MySpec extends FlatSpec {

   it should "sleep for a second" taggedAs(SlowTest) in {

or in a WordSpec or FixtureWordSpec like this:

 import org.scalatest.WordSpec

 class MySpec extends WordSpec {

   "should sleep for a second" taggedAs(SlowTest) in {

or in a FeatureSpec or FixtureFeatureSpec like this:

 import org.scalatest.FeatureSpec

 class MySpec extends FeatureSpec {

   scenario("should sleep for a second", SlowTest) {
If you have created Java annotation interfaces for use as tag names in direct subclasses of org.scalatest.Suite, then you may want to use group names on your FunSuites and Specs that match. To do so, simply pass the fully qualified names of the Java interface to the Tag constructor. For example, if you've defined a Java annotation interface with fully qualified name, com.mycompany.testtags.SlowTest, then you could create a matching group for FunSuites like this:
 object SlowTest extends Tag("com.mycompany.testtags.SlowTest")
Bill Venners
Direct Known Subclasses:

Methods inherited from AnyRef
getClass, hashCode, equals, clone, toString, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait, finalize, ==, !=, eq, ne, synchronized
Methods inherited from Any
==, !=, isInstanceOf, asInstanceOf

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