This method enables the following syntax:
This method enables the following syntax:
sevenByte should ((not be (19.toByte plusOrMinus 2.toByte)) and (not be (19.toByte plusOrMinus 2.toByte))) ^
This method enables the following syntax:
This method enables the following syntax:
sevenShort should (not be (17.toShort plusOrMinus 2.toShort) and not be (17.toShort plusOrMinus 2.toShort)) ^
This method enables the following syntax:
This method enables the following syntax:
sevenInt should (not be (17 plusOrMinus 2) and not be (17 plusOrMinus 2)) ^
This method enables the following syntax:
This method enables the following syntax:
sevenLong should (not be (17L plusOrMinus 2L) and not be (17L plusOrMinus 2L)) ^
This method enables the following syntax:
This method enables the following syntax:
sevenDotOhFloat should (not be (17.0f plusOrMinus 0.2f) and not be (17.0f plusOrMinus 0.2f)) ^
This method enables the following syntax:
This method enables the following syntax:
sevenDotOh should (not be (17.0 plusOrMinus 0.2) and not be (17.0 plusOrMinus 0.2)) ^
This method enables the following syntax:
This method enables the following syntax:
obj should (not be theSameInstanceAs (otherString) and not be theSameInstanceAs (otherString)) ^
This method enables the following syntax:
This method enables the following syntax:
myFile should (not be an (directory) and not be an (directory)) ^
This method enables the following syntax:
This method enables the following syntax:
isNotAppleMock should (not be an ('apple) and not be an ('apple)) ^
This method enables the following syntax:
This method enables the following syntax:
myFile should (not be a (directory) and not be a (directory)) ^
This method enables the following syntax:
This method enables the following syntax:
isNotFileMock should (not be a ('file) and not be a ('file)) ^
This method enables the following syntax:
This method enables the following syntax:
myFile should (not be (directory) and not be (directory)) ^
This method enables the following syntax:
This method enables the following syntax:
2 should (not be (odd) and not be (odd))
This method enables the following syntax:
This method enables the following syntax:
notEmptyMock should (not be ('empty) and not be ('empty)) ^
This method enables the following syntax:
This method enables the following syntax:
5 should (not be === (2) and not be === (6)) ^
This method enables the following syntax:
This method enables the following syntax:
7 should (not be >= (8) and not be >= (6)) ^
This method enables the following syntax:
This method enables the following syntax:
2 should (not be <= (1) and not be <= (2)) ^
This method enables the following syntax:
This method enables the following syntax:
7 should (not be > (8) and not be > (6)) ^
This method enables the following syntax:
This method enables the following syntax:
map should (contain key (7) and not be (null)) ^
This method enables the following syntax:
This method enables the following syntax:
5 should (not be < (2) and not be < (6)) ^
This method enables the following syntax:
This method enables the following syntax:
1 should (not be (2) and not be (3 - 1)) ^
This method enables the following syntax:
This method enables the following syntax:
Map("one" -> 1, "two" -> 2) should (not contain value (5) and not contain value (3)) ^
This method enables the following syntax:
This method enables the following syntax:
Map("one" -> 1, "two" -> 2) should (not contain key ("five") and not contain key ("three")) ^
This method enables the following syntax:
This method enables the following syntax:
Array(1, 2) should (not contain (5) and not contain (3)) ^
This method enables the following syntax:
This method enables the following syntax:
"fred" should (not endWith ("fre") and not endWith ("1.7")) ^
This method enables the following syntax:
This method enables the following syntax:
"fred" should (not endWith regex ("bob") and not endWith regex (decimal)) ^
This method enables the following syntax:
This method enables the following syntax:
1 should (not equal (2) and not equal (3 - 1)) ^
This method enables the following syntax:
This method enables the following syntax:
"fred" should (not fullyMatch regex ("bob") and not fullyMatch regex (decimal)) ^
This method enables the following syntax:
This method enables the following syntax:
book should (not have (title ("Moby Dick")) and not have (author ("Melville"))) ^
This method enables the following syntax:
This method enables the following syntax:
Array(1, 2) should (not have size (5) and not have size (3)) ^
This method enables the following syntax:
This method enables the following syntax:
Array(1, 2) should (not have size (5) and not have length (3)) ^
This method enables the following syntax:
This method enables the following syntax:
"fred" should (not include ("bob") and not include ("1.7")) ^
This method enables the following syntax:
This method enables the following syntax:
"fred" should (not include regex ("bob") and not include regex (decimal)) ^
This method enables the following syntax:
This method enables the following syntax:
"fred" should (not startWith ("red") and not startWith ("1.7")) ^
This method enables the following syntax:
This method enables the following syntax:
"fred" should (not startWith regex ("bob") and not startWith regex (decimal)) ^
This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for
for an overview of the matchers DSL.