the number of tests that were reported as succeeded during the run
the number of tests that were reported as failed during the run
the number of tests that were were reported as ignored during the run
the number of tests that were reported as pending during the run
The number of tests completed, which is the sum of the number of tests that succeeded and failed, excluding any tests that were ignored or reported as pending.
the number of tests that were reported as failed during the run
the number of tests that were were reported as ignored during the run
the number of tests that were reported as pending during the run
the number of tests that were reported as succeeded during the run
use productIterator instead
Class each of whose instances hold summary information about one ScalaTest run.
the number of tests that were reported as succeeded during the run
the number of tests that were reported as failed during the run
the number of tests that were were reported as ignored during the run
the number of tests that were reported as pending during the run