

package scalautils

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
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  2. By inheritance
  1. scalautils
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. trait AbstractStringUniformity extends Uniformity[String]

    Convenience base trait for string Uniformitys.

  2. trait Accumulation extends AnyRef

    Provides mechanisms that enable errors to be accumulated in “accumulating Ors,” Ors whose Bad type is an Every.

  3. final case class Bad[+G, +B](b: B) extends Or[G, B] with Product with Serializable

    Contains a “bad” value.

  4. class Catcher extends AnyRef

    Convenience class for extractors that match and return Throwables based on a type and Boolean condition.

  5. abstract class Constraint[A, B] extends AnyRef

    Abstract class used to enforce type constraints for equality checks.

  6. trait ConversionCheckedTripleEquals extends LowPriorityConversionCheckedConstraint

    Provides === and !== operators that return Boolean, delegate the equality determination to an Equality type class, and require that either the types of the two values compared are in a subtype/supertype relationship, or that an implicit conversion is available that can convert from one type to the other.

  7. trait Equality[A] extends Equivalence[A]

    Defines a custom way to determine equality for a type when compared with another value of type Any.

  8. trait Equivalence[T] extends AnyRef

    Defines a custom way to determine equality for a type when compared with another value of the same type.

  9. type ErrorMessage = String

    Type alias for String.

  10. sealed abstract class Every[+T] extends PartialFunction[Int, T]

    An ordered, immutable, non-empty collection of elements.

  11. trait Explicitly extends AnyRef

    Provides ScalaTest's “explicitly DSL,” which facilitates the explicit specification of an Equality[T] or a Uniformity[T] where Equality[T] is taken implicitly.

  12. case class Fail[E](error: E) extends Validation[E] with Product with Serializable

    Indicates a validation failed, describing the failure with a contained error value.

  13. final case class Good[+G, +B](g: G) extends Or[G, B] with Product with Serializable

    Contains a “good” value.

  14. trait LowPriorityConversionCheckedConstraint extends TripleEqualsSupport

    Provides an implicit conversion that will be applied only if a higher-priority implicit conversion declared a subtrait is not applicable.

  15. trait LowPriorityTypeCheckedConstraint extends TripleEqualsSupport

    Provides an implicit conversion that will be applied only if a higher-priority implicit conversion declared a subtrait is not applicable.

  16. final case class Many[+T](firstElement: T, secondElement: T, otherElements: T*) extends Every[T] with Product with Serializable

    An Every that contains two or more elements.

  17. trait MapEqualityConstraints extends AnyRef

    Provides an implicit method that loosens the equality constraint defined by TypeCheckedTripleEquals or ConversionCheckedTripleEquals for Scala Maps to one that more closely matches Scala's approach to Map equality.

  18. trait NormMethods extends AnyRef

    Provides an implicit conversion that allows norm to be invoked on any value of type T for which an implicit Normalization[T] exists.

  19. trait Normalization[A] extends AnyRef

    Defines a custom way to normalize instances of a type.

  20. trait NormalizingEquality[A] extends Equality[A]

    An Equality[A] implementation that determines the equality of two objects by normalizing one or both objects, then comparing the results using an “after normalization” equality referenced from the afterNormalizationEquality member.

  21. trait NormalizingEquivalence[A] extends Equivalence[A]

    An Equivalence[A] implementation that determines the equality of two objects by normalizing one or both objects, then comparing the results using an “after normalization” Equivalence referenced from the afterNormalizationEquivalence member.

  22. final case class One[+T](loneElement: T) extends Every[T] with Product with Serializable

    An Every that contains exactly one element.

  23. sealed abstract class Or[+G, +B] extends AnyRef

    Represents a value that is one of two possible types, with one type being “good” and the other “bad.

  24. trait Prettifier extends (Any) ⇒ String

    A function that given any object will produce a “pretty” string representation of that object, where “pretty” is in the eye of the implementer.

  25. trait PrettyMethods extends AnyRef

    Provides an implicit conversion that enables pretty to be invoked on any object, to transform that object into a String representation.

  26. trait SeqEqualityConstraints extends AnyRef

    Provides an implicit method that loosens the equality constraint defined by TypeCheckedTripleEquals or ConversionCheckedTripleEquals for Scala Seqs to one that more closely matches Scala's approach to Seq equality.

  27. trait SetEqualityConstraints extends AnyRef

    Provides an implicit method that loosens the equality constraint defined by TypeCheckedTripleEquals or ConversionCheckedTripleEquals for Scala Sets to one that more closely matches Scala's approach to Set equality.

  28. trait StringNormalizations extends AnyRef

    Provides methods that produce Uniformity[String] instances for various ways to normalize strings for equality comparisons.

  29. trait TimesOnInt extends AnyRef

    Trait providing an implicit conversion that adds a times method to Ints that will repeat a given side-effecting operation multiple times.

  30. trait Tolerance extends AnyRef

    Trait containing an implicit conversion that adds a +- method to Numeric types, which enables spreads to be expressed in terms of a pivot and tolerance.

  31. trait TolerantNumerics extends AnyRef

    Provides Equality and Equivalence instances for Numeric types that compare for equality with a given tolerance.

  32. trait TraversableEqualityConstraints extends SeqEqualityConstraints with SetEqualityConstraints with MapEqualityConstraints

    Provides three implicit methods that loosen the equality constraint defined by TypeCheckedTripleEquals or ConversionCheckedTripleEquals for Scala Traversables to one that more closely matches Scala's approach to Traversable equality.

  33. trait TripleEquals extends TripleEqualsSupport

    Provides === and !== operators that return Boolean, delegate the equality determination to an Equality type class, and require no relationship between the types of the two values compared.

  34. trait TripleEqualsSupport extends AnyRef

    Trait that defines abstract methods used to enforce compile-time type constraints for equality comparisons, and defines === and !== operators used by matchers.

  35. trait TypeCheckedTripleEquals extends LowPriorityTypeCheckedConstraint

    Provides === and !== operators that return Boolean, delegate the equality determination to an Equality type class, and require the types of the two values compared to be in a subtype/supertype relationship.

  36. trait Uniformity[A] extends Normalization[A]

    Defines a custom way to normalize instances of a type that can also handle normalization of that type when passed as Any.

  37. sealed trait Validation[+E] extends AnyRef

    Represents the result of a validation, either the object Pass if the validation succeeded, else an instance of Fail containing an error value describing the validation failure.

  38. trait ConversionCheckedLegacyTripleEquals extends LowPriorityConversionCheckedConstraint

    Provides === and !== operators that return Boolean, delegate the equality determination to an Equality type class, and require that either the types of the two values compared are in a subtype/supertype relationship, or that an implicit conversion is available that can convert from one type to the other.

  39. trait LegacyTripleEquals extends TripleEqualsSupport

    Provides === and !== operators that return Boolean, delegate the equality determination to an Equality type class, and require no relationship between the types of the two values compared.

  40. trait TypeCheckedLegacyTripleEquals extends LowPriorityTypeCheckedConstraint

    Provides === and !== operators that return Boolean, delegate the equality determination to an Equality type class, and require the types of the two values compared to be in a subtype/supertype relationship.

Value Members

  1. object Accumulation extends Accumulation

    Companion object to trait Accumulation that allows Accumulation's members to be imported rather than mixed in, and also contains nested traits used by implicit conversions declared in trait Accumulations.

  2. object Catcher

    Companion object for Catcher that provides a factory method for creating Throwable extractors.

  3. object ConversionCheckedLegacyTripleEquals extends ConversionCheckedLegacyTripleEquals

    Companion object to trait ConversionCheckedLegacyTripleEquals that facilitates the importing of ConversionCheckedLegacyTripleEquals members as an alternative to mixing it in.

  4. object ConversionCheckedTripleEquals extends ConversionCheckedTripleEquals

    Companion object to trait ConversionCheckedTripleEquals that facilitates the importing of ConversionCheckedTripleEquals members as an alternative to mixing it in.

  5. object Equality

    Companion object for trait Equality that provides factory methods for producing Equality instances.

  6. object Equivalence

    Companion object for trait Equivalence that provides a factory method for producing default Equivalence instances.

  7. object Every

    Companion object for abstract class Every.

  8. object Explicitly extends Explicitly

    Companion object for Explicitly, which enables the ScalaUtils explicitly DSL to be imported rather than mixed in, like this:

  9. object Good extends Serializable

    Companion object for Good that offers, in addition to the standard factory method for Good that takes single “good” type, an parameterless apply used to narrow the Good type when creating a Bad.

  10. object LegacyTripleEquals extends LegacyTripleEquals

    Companion object to trait LegacyTripleEquals that facilitates the importing of LegacyTripleEquals members as an alternative to mixing it in.

  11. object MapEqualityConstraints extends MapEqualityConstraints

    Companion object that facilitates the importing of MapEqualityConstraints members as an alternative to mixing it in.

  12. object NormMethods extends NormMethods

    Companion object for NormMethods enabling its members to be imported as an alternative to mixing them in.

  13. object Or

    The companion object for Or providing factory methods for creating Ors from Eithers and Trys.

  14. object Pass extends Validation[Nothing] with Product with Serializable

    Indicates a validation succeeded.

  15. object Prettifier

    Companion object for Prettifier that provides a default Prettifier implementation.

  16. object PrettyMethods extends PrettyMethods

    Companion object for trait PrettyMethods enabling its members to be imported as an alternative to mixing them in.

  17. object SeqEqualityConstraints extends SeqEqualityConstraints

    Companion object that facilitates the importing of SeqEqualityConstraints members as an alternative to mixing it in.

  18. object SetEqualityConstraints extends SetEqualityConstraints

    Companion object that facilitates the importing of SetEqualityConstraints members as an alternative to mixing it in.

  19. object StringNormalizations extends StringNormalizations

    Companion object to trait StringNormalizations that provides an alternative to mixing it in.

  20. object TimesOnInt extends TimesOnInt

    Companion object that facilitates the importing of TimesOnInt members as an alternative to mixing it in.

  21. object Tolerance extends Tolerance

    Companion object to trait Tolerance that facilitates the importing of Tolerance members as an alternative to mixing it in.

  22. object TolerantNumerics extends TolerantNumerics

    Companion object for TolerantNumerics that enables its members to be imported as an alternative to mixing them in.

  23. object TraversableEqualityConstraints extends TraversableEqualityConstraints

    Companion object that facilitates the importing of TraversableEqualityConstraints members as an alternative to mixing it in.

  24. object TripleEquals extends TripleEquals

    Companion object to trait TripleEquals that facilitates the importing of TripleEquals members as an alternative to mixing it in.

  25. object TripleEqualsSupport

  26. object TypeCheckedLegacyTripleEquals extends TypeCheckedLegacyTripleEquals

    Companion object to trait TypeCheckedLegacyTripleEquals that facilitates the importing of TypeCheckedLegacyTripleEquals members as an alternative to mixing it in.

  27. object TypeCheckedTripleEquals extends TypeCheckedTripleEquals

    Companion object to trait TypeCheckedTripleEquals that facilitates the importing of TypeCheckedTripleEquals members as an alternative to mixing it in.

  28. def attempt[R](f: ⇒ R): Or[R, Throwable]

    Returns the result of evaluating the given block f, wrapped in a Good, or if an exception is thrown, the Throwable, wrapped in a Bad.

    Returns the result of evaluating the given block f, wrapped in a Good, or if an exception is thrown, the Throwable, wrapped in a Bad.

    Here are some examples:

    scala> import org.scalautils._
    import org.scalautils._

    scala> attempt { 2 / 1 } res0: org.scalautils.Or[Int,Throwable] = Good(2)

    scala> attempt { 2 / 0 } res1: org.scalautils.Or[Int,Throwable] = Bad(java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero)


    the block to attempt to evaluate


    the result of evaluating the block, wrapped in a Good, or the thrown exception, wrapped in a Bad

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
