

package play

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait AllBrowsersPerSuite extends SuiteMixin with WebBrowser with Eventually with IntegrationPatience

    Trait that uses a shared test approach to enable you to run the same tests on multiple browsers in a ScalaTest Suite, where each kind of browser is started and stopped just once for the whole Suite.

  2. trait AllBrowsersPerTest extends SuiteMixin with WebBrowser with Eventually with IntegrationPatience

    Trait that uses a shared test approach to enable you to run the same tests on multiple browsers in a ScalaTest Suite, where a new browser is started before each test that needs a browser, and stopped after.

  3. trait BrowserFactory extends AnyRef

    Trait that defines an abstract createWebDriver method for creating a new Selenium WebDriver and an abstract unableToCreateDriverErrorMessage method that provides an appropriate error message if the driver is not available on the current platform.

  4. abstract class BrowserInfo extends AnyRef

    Abstract class that encapsulates a browser name, tag name, and Selenium WebDriver factory method.

  5. trait ChromeFactory extends BrowserFactory

    Factory whose createWebDriver method will either return a new Selenium ChromeDriver, or UnavailableDriver, if Chrome is not available on the host platform.

  6. trait ConfiguredApp extends SuiteMixin

    Trait that provides a configured FakeApplication to the suite into which it is mixed.

  7. trait ConfiguredBrowser extends SuiteMixin with WebBrowser with Eventually with IntegrationPatience

    Trait that provides a configured FakeApplication, server port number, and Selenium WebDriver to the suite into which it is mixed.

  8. trait ConfiguredServer extends SuiteMixin with ServerProvider

    Trait that provides a configured FakeApplication and server port number to the suite into which it is mixed.

  9. trait FirefoxFactory extends BrowserFactory

    Factory whose createWebDriver method will either return a new Selenium FirefoxDriver (created using the profile specified by firefoxProfile), or UnavailableDriver, if Firefox is not available on the host platform.

  10. case class FirefoxInfo(firefoxProfile: FirefoxProfile) extends BrowserInfo with Product with Serializable

    Firefox browser info, which encapsulates the browser name, "[Firefox]"; tag name, org.scalatest.tags.FirefoxBrowser; and a factory method that produces a Selenium FirefoxDriver.

  11. trait HtmlUnitFactory extends BrowserFactory

    Factory whose createWebDriver method will either return a new Selenium HtmlUnitDriver, or UnavailableDriver, if HtmlUnit is not available on the host platform.

  12. case class HtmlUnitInfo(enableJavascript: Boolean) extends BrowserInfo with Product with Serializable

    HtmlUnit browser info, which encapsulates the browser name, "[HtmlUnit]"; tag name, org.scalatest.tags.HtmlUnitBrowser; and a factory method that produces a Selenium HtmlUnitDriver.

  13. trait InternetExplorerFactory extends BrowserFactory

    Factory whose createWebDriver method will either return a new Selenium InternetExplorerDriver, or UnavailableDriver, if Internet Explorer is not available on the host platform.

  14. trait MixedFixtures extends SuiteMixin with UnitFixture

    Trait that helps you provide different fixtures to different tests: a FakeApplication, a TestServer, or one of the Selenium WebDriverss.

  15. abstract class MixedPlaySpec extends WordSpec with MustMatchers with OptionValues with MixedFixtures with Eventually with IntegrationPatience with WsScalaTestClient

    Convenience "super Suite" class for "mixed fixture" Play tests.

  16. trait OneAppPerSuite extends SuiteMixin

    Trait that provides a new FakeApplication instance per ScalaTest Suite.

  17. trait OneAppPerTest extends SuiteMixin

    Trait that provides a new FakeApplication instance for each test.

  18. trait OneBrowserPerSuite extends SuiteMixin with WebBrowser with Eventually with IntegrationPatience with BrowserFactory

    Trait that provides a new Selenium WebBrowser instance per ScalaTest Suite.

  19. trait OneBrowserPerTest extends SuiteMixin with WebBrowser with Eventually with IntegrationPatience with BrowserFactory

    Trait that provides a new Selenium WebDriver instance for each test executed in a ScalaTest Suite.

  20. trait OneServerPerSuite extends SuiteMixin with ServerProvider

    Trait that provides a new FakeApplication and running TestServer instance per ScalaTest Suite.

  21. trait OneServerPerTest extends SuiteMixin with ServerProvider

    Trait that provides a new FakeApplication and running TestServer instance for each test executed in a ScalaTest Suite.

  22. abstract class PlaySpec extends WordSpec with MustMatchers with OptionValues with WsScalaTestClient

    Convenience "super Suite" base class for Play tests.

  23. case class PortNumber(value: Int) extends Product with Serializable

    Wraps a port number of a provided TestServer so that it can be made available as an implicit without making an Int implicit.

  24. trait SafariFactory extends BrowserFactory

    Factory whose createWebDriver method will either return a new Selenium SafariDriver, or UnavailableDriver, if Safari is not available on the host platform.

  25. trait ServerProvider extends AnyRef

    Trait that defines abstract methods that providing a port number and implicit FakeApplication and a concrete method that provides an implicit PortNumber that wraps the port number.

  26. trait WsScalaTestClient extends AnyRef

    Trait providing convenience methods to create WS requests in tests.

Value Members

  1. object BrowserFactory

    Companion object to trait BrowserFactory that holds a UnavailableDriver object that implements the Selenium WebDriver interface by throwing UnuspportedOperationException.

  2. object ChromeFactory extends ChromeFactory

    Companion object to trait ChromeFactory that mixes in the trait.

  3. object ChromeInfo extends BrowserInfo with Product with Serializable

    Chrome browser info, which encapsulates the browser name, "[Chrome]"; tag name, org.scalatest.tags.ChromeBrowser; and a factory method that produces a Selenium ChromeDriver.

  4. object FirefoxFactory extends FirefoxFactory

    Companion object to trait FirefoxFactory that mixes in the trait.

  5. object HtmlUnitFactory extends HtmlUnitFactory

    Companion object to trait HtmlUnitFactory that mixes in the trait.

  6. object InternetExplorerFactory extends InternetExplorerFactory

    Companion object to trait InternetExplorerFactory that mixes in the trait.

  7. object InternetExplorerInfo extends BrowserInfo with Product with Serializable

    Internet Explorer browser info, which encapsulates the browser name, "[InternetExplorer]"; tag name, org.scalatest.tags.InternetExplorerBrowser; and a factory method that produces a Selenium InternetExplorerDriver.

  8. object SafariFactory extends SafariFactory

    Companion object to trait SafariFactory that mixes in the trait.

  9. object SafariInfo extends BrowserInfo with Product with Serializable

    Safari browser info, which encapsulates the browser name, "[Safari]"; tag name, org.scalatest.tags.SafariBrowser; and a factory method that produces a Selenium SafariDriver.
