
trait TestNGSuite

[source: org/scalatest/testng/TestNGSuite.scala]

trait TestNGSuite
extends Suite
A suite of tests that can be run with either TestNG or ScalaTest. This trait allows you to mark any method as a test using TestNG's @Test annotation, and supports all other TestNG annotations. Here's an example:

 import org.scalatest.testng.TestNGSuite
 import org.testng.annotations.Test
 import org.testng.annotations.Configuration
 import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
 class MySuite extends TestNGSuite {
   var sb: StringBuilder = _
   var lb: ListBuffer[String] = _
   @Configuration { val beforeTestMethod = true }
   def setUpFixture() {
     sb = new StringBuilder("ScalaTest is ")
     lb = new ListBuffer[String]
   @Test { val invocationCount = 3 }
   def easyTest() {
     assert(sb.toString === "ScalaTest is easy!")
     lb += "sweet"
   @Test { val groups = Array("com.mycompany.groups.SlowTest") }
   def funTest() {
     assert(sb.toString === "ScalaTest is fun!")

To execute TestNGSuites with ScalaTest's Runner, you must include TestNG's jar file on the class path or runpath. This version of TestNGSuite was tested with TestNG version 5.7.

Josh Cough
Direct Known Subclasses:

Method Summary
override def run (testName : scala.Option[java.lang.String], reporter : Reporter, stopper : Stopper, filter : Filter, properties : scala.collection.immutable.Map[java.lang.String, Any], distributor : scala.Option[Distributor], tracker : Tracker) : Unit
Execute this TestNGSuite.
protected override final def runNestedSuites (reporter : Reporter, stopper : Stopper, filter : Filter, configMap : scala.collection.immutable.Map[java.lang.String, Any], distributor : scala.Option[Distributor], tracker : Tracker) : Unit
Throws UnsupportedOperationException, because this method is unused by this trait, given this trait's run method delegates to TestNG to run its tests.
protected override final def runTest (testName : java.lang.String, reporter : Reporter, stopper : Stopper, configMap : scala.collection.immutable.Map[java.lang.String, Any], tracker : Tracker) : Unit
Throws UnsupportedOperationException, because this method is unused by this trait, given this trait's run method delegates to TestNG to run its tests.
protected override final def runTests (testName : scala.Option[java.lang.String], reporter : Reporter, stopper : Stopper, filter : Filter, configMap : scala.collection.immutable.Map[java.lang.String, Any], distributor : scala.Option[Distributor], tracker : Tracker) : Unit
Throws UnsupportedOperationException, because this method is unused by this trait, given this trait's run method delegates to TestNG to run its tests.
protected override final def withFixture (test : NoArgTest) : Unit
Throws UnsupportedOperationException, because this method is unused by this class, given this class's run method delegates to JUnit to run its tests.
Methods inherited from Suite
nestedSuites, execute, execute, execute, execute, tags, groups, testNames, suiteName, pending, pendingUntilFixed, expectedTestCount
Methods inherited from Assertions
assert, assert, assert, assert, convertToEqualizer, intercept, expect, expect, fail, fail, fail, fail
Methods inherited from AnyRef
getClass, hashCode, equals, clone, toString, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait, finalize, ==, !=, eq, ne, synchronized
Methods inherited from Any
==, !=, isInstanceOf, asInstanceOf
Method Details
override def run(testName : scala.Option[java.lang.String], reporter : Reporter, stopper : Stopper, filter : Filter, properties : scala.collection.immutable.Map[java.lang.String, Any], distributor : scala.Option[Distributor], tracker : Tracker) : Unit
Execute this TestNGSuite.
testName - an optional name of one test to execute. If None, this class will execute all relevant tests. I.e., None acts like a wildcard that means execute all relevant tests in this TestNGSuite.
reporter - The reporter to be notified of test events (success, failure, etc).
groupsToInclude - Contains the names of groups to run. Only tests in these groups will be executed.
groupsToExclude - Tests in groups in this Set will not be executed.
stopper - the Stopper may be used to request an early termination of a suite of tests. However, because TestNG does not support the notion of aborting a run early, this class ignores this parameter.
properties - a Map of properties that can be used by the executing Suite of tests. This class does not use this parameter.
distributor - an optional Distributor, into which nested Suites could be put to be executed by another entity, such as concurrently by a pool of threads. If None, nested Suites will be executed sequentially. Because TestNG handles its own concurrency, this class ignores this parameter.


protected override final def withFixture(test : NoArgTest) : Unit
Throws UnsupportedOperationException, because this method is unused by this class, given this class's run method delegates to JUnit to run its tests.

The main purpose of this method implementation is to render a compiler error an attempt to mix in a trait that overrides withFixture. Because this trait does not actually use withFixture, the attempt to mix in behavior would very likely not work.

test - the no-arg test function to run with a fixture

protected override final def runNestedSuites(reporter : Reporter, stopper : Stopper, filter : Filter, configMap : scala.collection.immutable.Map[java.lang.String, Any], distributor : scala.Option[Distributor], tracker : Tracker) : Unit
Throws UnsupportedOperationException, because this method is unused by this trait, given this trait's run method delegates to TestNG to run its tests.

The main purpose of this method implementation is to render a compiler error an attempt to mix in a trait that overrides runNestedSuites. Because this trait does not actually use runNestedSuites, the attempt to mix in behavior would very likely not work.

reporter - the Reporter to which results will be reported
stopper - the Stopper that will be consulted to determine whether to stop execution early.
filter - a Filter with which to filter tests based on their tags
configMap - a Map of key-value pairs that can be used by the executing Suite of tests.
distributor - an optional Distributor, into which to put nested Suites to be run by another entity, such as concurrently by a pool of threads. If None, nested Suites will be run sequentially.
tracker - a Tracker tracking Ordinals being fired by the current thread.
UnsupportedOperationException - always.

protected override final def runTests(testName : scala.Option[java.lang.String], reporter : Reporter, stopper : Stopper, filter : Filter, configMap : scala.collection.immutable.Map[java.lang.String, Any], distributor : scala.Option[Distributor], tracker : Tracker) : Unit
Throws UnsupportedOperationException, because this method is unused by this trait, given this trait's run method delegates to TestNG to run its tests.

The main purpose of this method implementation is to render a compiler error an attempt to mix in a trait that overrides runTests. Because this trait does not actually use runTests, the attempt to mix in behavior would very likely not work.

testName - an optional name of one test to run. If None, all relevant tests should be run. I.e., None acts like a wildcard that means run all relevant tests in this Suite.
reporter - the Reporter to which results will be reported
stopper - the Stopper that will be consulted to determine whether to stop execution early.
filter - a Filter with which to filter tests based on their tags
configMap - a Map of key-value pairs that can be used by the executing Suite of tests.
distributor - an optional Distributor, into which to put nested Suites to be run by another entity, such as concurrently by a pool of threads. If None, nested Suites will be run sequentially.
tracker - a Tracker tracking Ordinals being fired by the current thread.
UnsupportedOperationException - always.

protected override final def runTest(testName : java.lang.String, reporter : Reporter, stopper : Stopper, configMap : scala.collection.immutable.Map[java.lang.String, Any], tracker : Tracker) : Unit
Throws UnsupportedOperationException, because this method is unused by this trait, given this trait's run method delegates to TestNG to run its tests.

The main purpose of this method implementation is to render a compiler error an attempt to mix in a trait that overrides runTest. Because this trait does not actually use runTest, the attempt to mix in behavior would very likely not work.

testName - the name of one test to run.
reporter - the Reporter to which results will be reported
stopper - the Stopper that will be consulted to determine whether to stop execution early.
configMap - a Map of key-value pairs that can be used by the executing Suite of tests.
tracker - a Tracker tracking Ordinals being fired by the current thread.
UnsupportedOperationException - always.

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