class Event

[source: org/scalatest/events/Event.scala]

sealed abstract class Event
extends scala.Ordered[Event]
A base class for the events that can be passed to the report function passed to the execute method of a Suite. Will have a sealed abstract InfoProvided message with three final concrete subclasses, RunInfoProvided, SuiteInfoProvided, TestInfoProvided. Anything that starts with Run just has runStamp and ordinal; Suite has those plus suiteStamp; Test has those plus testStamp.
Bill Venners
Direct Known Subclasses:
TestStarting, TestSucceeded, TestFailed, TestIgnored, TestPending, SuiteStarting, SuiteCompleted, SuiteAborted, RunStarting, RunCompleted, RunStopped, RunAborted, InfoProvided

Value Summary
abstract val formatter : scala.Option[Formatter]
An optional formatter that provides extra information that can be used by reporters in determining how to present this event to the user.
abstract val ordinal : Ordinal
An Ordinal that can be used to place this event in order in the context of other events reported during the same run.
abstract val payload : scala.Option[Any]
An optional object that can be used to pass custom information to the reporter about this event.
abstract val threadName : java.lang.String
A name for the Thread about whose activity this event was reported.
abstract val timeStamp : Long
A Long indicating the time this event was reported, expressed in terms of the number of milliseconds since the standard base time known as "the epoch": January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT.
Method Summary
def compare (that : Event) : Int
Comparing this event with the event passed as that. Returns x, where x < 0 iff this < that, x == 0 iff this == that, x > 0 iff this > that.
Methods inherited from scala.Ordered
scala.Ordered.<, scala.Ordered.>, scala.Ordered.<=, scala.Ordered.>=, scala.Ordered.compareTo
Methods inherited from AnyRef
getClass, hashCode, equals, clone, toString, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait, finalize, ==, !=, eq, ne, synchronized
Methods inherited from Any
==, !=, isInstanceOf, asInstanceOf
Value Details
abstract val ordinal : Ordinal
An Ordinal that can be used to place this event in order in the context of other events reported during the same run.

abstract val formatter : scala.Option[Formatter]
An optional formatter that provides extra information that can be used by reporters in determining how to present this event to the user.

abstract val payload : scala.Option[Any]
An optional object that can be used to pass custom information to the reporter about this event.

abstract val threadName : java.lang.String
A name for the Thread about whose activity this event was reported.

abstract val timeStamp : Long
A Long indicating the time this event was reported, expressed in terms of the number of milliseconds since the standard base time known as "the epoch": January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT.

Method Details
def compare(that : Event) : Int
Comparing this event with the event passed as that. Returns x, where x < 0 iff this < that, x == 0 iff this == that, x > 0 iff this > that.
that - the event to compare to this event
return - an integer indicating whether this event is less than, equal to, or greater than the passed event

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