
class ContainWord

[source: org/scalatest/matchers/Matchers.scala]

final class ContainWord
extends AnyRef
This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for ShouldMatchers or MustMatchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.
Bill Venners
Method Summary
def apply [T](expectedElement : T) : Matcher[scala.Iterable[T]]
This method enables the following syntax:
     Array(1, 2) should (contain (2) and contain (1))
def key [K](expectedKey : K) : Matcher[scala.collection.Map[K, Any]]
This method enables the following syntax:
     map should (contain key ("fifty five") or contain key ("twenty two"))
The map's value type parameter cannot be inferred because only a key type is provided in an expression like (contain key ("fifty five")). The matcher returned by this method matches scala.collection.Maps with the inferred key type and value type Any. Given Map is covariant in its value type, and Matcher is contravariant in its type parameter, a Matcher[Map[Int, Any]], for example, is a subtype of Matcher[Map[Int, String]]. This will enable the matcher returned by this method to be used against any Map that has the inferred key type.
def value [V](expectedValue : V) : Matcher[scala.collection.Map[Any, V]]
This method enables the following syntax:
     Map("one" -> 1, "two" -> 2) should (not contain value (5) and not contain value (3))
The map's key type parameter cannot be inferred because only a value type is provided in an expression like (contain value (5)). The matcher returned by this method matches scala.collection.Maps with the inferred value type and the existential key type [K] forSome { type K }. Even though Matcher is contravariant in its type parameter, because Map is nonvariant in its key type, a Matcher[Map[Any, Int]], for example, is not a subtype of Matcher[Map[String, Int]], so the key type parameter of the Map returned by this method cannot be Any. By making it an existential type, the Scala compiler will not infer it to anything more specific. This will enable the matcher returned by this method to be used against any Map that has the inferred value type.
Methods inherited from AnyRef
getClass, hashCode, equals, clone, toString, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait, finalize, ==, !=, eq, ne, synchronized
Methods inherited from Any
==, !=, isInstanceOf, asInstanceOf
Method Details
def apply[T](expectedElement : T) : Matcher[scala.Iterable[T]]
This method enables the following syntax:
     Array(1, 2) should (contain (2) and contain (1))

def key[K](expectedKey : K) : Matcher[scala.collection.Map[K, Any]]
This method enables the following syntax:
     map should (contain key ("fifty five") or contain key ("twenty two"))
The map's value type parameter cannot be inferred because only a key type is provided in an expression like (contain key ("fifty five")). The matcher returned by this method matches scala.collection.Maps with the inferred key type and value type Any. Given Map is covariant in its value type, and Matcher is contravariant in its type parameter, a Matcher[Map[Int, Any]], for example, is a subtype of Matcher[Map[Int, String]]. This will enable the matcher returned by this method to be used against any Map that has the inferred key type.

def value[V](expectedValue : V) : Matcher[scala.collection.Map[Any, V]]
This method enables the following syntax:
     Map("one" -> 1, "two" -> 2) should (not contain value (5) and not contain value (3))
The map's key type parameter cannot be inferred because only a value type is provided in an expression like (contain value (5)). The matcher returned by this method matches scala.collection.Maps with the inferred value type and the existential key type [K] forSome { type K }. Even though Matcher is contravariant in its type parameter, because Map is nonvariant in its key type, a Matcher[Map[Any, Int]], for example, is not a subtype of Matcher[Map[String, Int]], so the key type parameter of the Map returned by this method cannot be Any. By making it an existential type, the Scala compiler will not infer it to anything more specific. This will enable the matcher returned by this method to be used against any Map that has the inferred value type.

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