
class NotWord

[source: org/scalatest/matchers/Matchers.scala]

final class NotWord
extends AnyRef
This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for ShouldMatchers or MustMatchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.
Bill Venners
Method Summary
def apply [S](beMatcher : BeMatcher[S]) : BeMatcher[S]
This method enables any BeMatcher to be negated by passing it to not. For example, if you have a BeMatcher[Int] called odd, which matches Ints that are odd, you can negate it to get a BeMatcher[Int] that matches even Ints, like this:
     val even = not (odd)
def apply [S](matcher : Matcher[S]) : Matcher[S]
This method enables the following syntax, where tempFile, for example, refers to a and exist is a Matcher[]:
     tempFile should not (exist)
def be [T](resultOfLessThanOrEqualToComparison : ResultOfLessThanOrEqualToComparison[T]) : Matcher[T]
This method enables the following syntax:
     num should (not be <= (7) and not be > (10))
def be (o : Null) : Matcher[AnyRef]
This method enables the following syntax:
     map should (not be (null))
def be (doubleTolerance : DoubleTolerance) : Matcher[Double]
This method enables the following syntax:
     sevenDotOh should ((not be (17.1 plusOrMinus 0.2)) and (not be (27.1 plusOrMinus 0.2)))
def be [T <: AnyRef](resultOfAWordApplication : ResultOfAWordToBePropertyMatcherApplication[T]) : Matcher[T]
This method enables the following syntax, where notSoSecretFile, for example, refers to a and directory is a BePropertyMatcher[]:
     notSoSecretFile should (not be a (directory) and have ('name ("passwords.txt")))
def be [T <: AnyRef](resultOfTheSameInstanceAsApplication : ResultOfTheSameInstanceAsApplication) : Matcher[T]
This method enables the following syntax:
     myFish should (not be theSameInstanceAs (redFish) and not be theSameInstanceAs (blueFish))
def be [T](resultOfLessThanComparison : ResultOfLessThanComparison[T]) : Matcher[T]
This method enables the following syntax:
     num should (not be < (7) and not be > (10))
def be (intTolerance : IntTolerance) : Matcher[Int]
This method enables the following syntax:
     sevenInt should ((not be (19 plusOrMinus 2)) and (not be (29 plusOrMinus 2)))
def be (byteTolerance : ByteTolerance) : Matcher[Byte]
This method enables the following syntax:
     sevenByte should ((not be (19.toByte plusOrMinus 2.toByte)) and (not be (29.toByte plusOrMinus 2.toByte)))
def be [T <: AnyRef](symbol : scala.Symbol) : Matcher[T]
This method enables the following syntax:
     myFile should (not be ('hidden) and have (name ("temp.txt")))
def be [T](beMatcher : BeMatcher[T]) : Matcher[T]
This method enables the following syntax, where, for example, num is an Int and odd of type BeMatcher[Int]:
     num should (not be (odd) and be <= (8))
def be (longTolerance : LongTolerance) : Matcher[Long]
This method enables the following syntax:
     sevenLong should ((not be (19L plusOrMinus 2L)) and (not be (29L plusOrMinus 2L)))
def be [T](resultOfGreaterThanOrEqualToComparison : ResultOfGreaterThanOrEqualToComparison[T]) : Matcher[T]
This method enables the following syntax:
     num should (not be >= (10) and not be < (7))
def be [T <: AnyRef](resultOfAnWordApplication : ResultOfAnWordToBePropertyMatcherApplication[T]) : Matcher[T]
This method enables the following syntax:
     myFile should (not be an (directory) and not be an (directory))
def be [T <: AnyRef](resultOfAWordApplication : ResultOfAWordToSymbolApplication) : Matcher[T]
This method enables the following syntax:
     isNotFileMock should (not be a ('file) and have ('name ("temp.txt"))))
def be (resultOfTripleEqualsApplication : ResultOfTripleEqualsApplication) : Matcher[Any]
This method enables the following syntax:
     num should (not be === (7) and not be === (10))
def be [T](resultOfGreaterThanComparison : ResultOfGreaterThanComparison[T]) : Matcher[T]
This method enables the following syntax:
     num should (not be > (10) and not be < (7))
def be (floatTolerance : FloatTolerance) : Matcher[Float]
This method enables the following syntax:
     sevenDotOhFloat should ((not be (17.1f plusOrMinus 0.2f)) and (not be (27.1f plusOrMinus 0.2f)))
def be [T <: AnyRef](resultOfAnWordApplication : ResultOfAnWordToSymbolApplication) : Matcher[T]
This method enables the following syntax:
     isNotAppleMock should (not be an ('apple) and not be ('rotten))
def be [T <: AnyRef](bePropertyMatcher : BePropertyMatcher[T]) : Matcher[T]
This method enables the following syntax, where tempFile, for example, refers to a and hidden is a BePropertyMatcher[]:
     tempFile should (not be (hidden) and have ('name ("temp.txt")))
def be (shortTolerance : ShortTolerance) : Matcher[Short]
This method enables the following syntax:
     sevenShort should ((not be (19.toShort plusOrMinus 2.toShort)) and (not be (29.toShort plusOrMinus 2.toShort)))
def be (right : Any) : Matcher[Any]
This method enables be to be used for inequality comparison. Here are some examples:
     object should not be (None)
     object should not be (Some(1))
     result should not be (true)
     result should not be (false)
     sum should not be (19)
def contain [K, V](resultOfValueWordApplication : ResultOfValueWordApplication[V]) : Matcher[scala.collection.Map[Any, V]]
This method enables the following syntax:
     Map("one" -> 1, "two" -> 2) should (not contain value (3))
def contain [K](resultOfKeyWordApplication : ResultOfKeyWordApplication[K]) : Matcher[scala.collection.Map[K, Any]]
This method enables the following syntax:
     Map("one" -> 1, "two" -> 2) should (not contain key ("three"))
def contain [T](expectedElement : T) : Matcher[scala.Iterable[T]]
This method enables the following syntax:
     Array(1, 2) should (not contain (5) and not contain (3))
def endWith (resultOfRegexWordApplication : ResultOfRegexWordApplication) : Matcher[java.lang.String]
This method enables the following syntax:
     string should (not endWith regex ("wor.d") and not startWith regex ("Hel*o"))
def endWith (expectedSubstring : java.lang.String) : Matcher[java.lang.String]
This method enables the following syntax:
     string should (not endWith ("blue") and not endWith ("1.7"))
def equal (right : Any) : Matcher[Any]
This method enables the following syntax:
     num should (not equal (7) and be < (9))
def fullyMatch (resultOfRegexWordApplication : ResultOfRegexWordApplication) : Matcher[java.lang.String]
This method enables the following syntax:
     string should (not fullyMatch regex ("Hel*o) and not include ("orld"))
def have [T](firstPropertyMatcher : HavePropertyMatcher[T, Any], propertyMatchers : HavePropertyMatcher[T, Any]*) : Matcher[T]
This method enables the following syntax, where, for example, book is of type Book and title and author are both of type HavePropertyMatcher[Book, String]:
     book should (not have (title ("Moby Dick")) and (not have (author ("Melville"))))
def have (resultOfSizeWordApplication : ResultOfSizeWordApplication) : Matcher[AnyRef]
This method enables the following syntax:
     Array(1, 2) should (not have size (5) and not have size (3))
def have (resultOfLengthWordApplication : ResultOfLengthWordApplication) : Matcher[AnyRef]
This method enables the following syntax:
     Array(1, 2) should (not have length (5) and not have length (3))
def include (expectedSubstring : java.lang.String) : Matcher[java.lang.String]
This method enables the following syntax:
     string should (not include ("cat") and not include ("1.7"))
def include (resultOfRegexWordApplication : ResultOfRegexWordApplication) : Matcher[java.lang.String]
This method enables the following syntax:
     string should (not include regex ("Hel.o") and not include regex ("""(-)?(\d+)(\.\d*)?"""))
def startWith (expectedSubstring : java.lang.String) : Matcher[java.lang.String]
This method enables the following syntax:
     string should ((not startWith ("red")) and (not startWith ("1.7")))
def startWith (resultOfRegexWordApplication : ResultOfRegexWordApplication) : Matcher[java.lang.String]
This method enables the following syntax:
     string should (not startWith regex ("hel*o") and not endWith regex ("wor.d))
Methods inherited from AnyRef
getClass, hashCode, equals, clone, toString, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait, finalize, ==, !=, eq, ne, synchronized
Methods inherited from Any
==, !=, isInstanceOf, asInstanceOf
Method Details
def apply[S](matcher : Matcher[S]) : Matcher[S]
This method enables the following syntax, where tempFile, for example, refers to a and exist is a Matcher[]:
     tempFile should not (exist)

def apply[S](beMatcher : BeMatcher[S]) : BeMatcher[S]
This method enables any BeMatcher to be negated by passing it to not. For example, if you have a BeMatcher[Int] called odd, which matches Ints that are odd, you can negate it to get a BeMatcher[Int] that matches even Ints, like this:
     val even = not (odd)

In addition, this method enables you to negate a BeMatcher at its point of use, like this:

num should be (not (odd))

Nevertheless, in such as case it would be more idiomatic to write:

num should not be (odd)

def equal(right : Any) : Matcher[Any]
This method enables the following syntax:
     num should (not equal (7) and be < (9))

def have(resultOfLengthWordApplication : ResultOfLengthWordApplication) : Matcher[AnyRef]
This method enables the following syntax:
     Array(1, 2) should (not have length (5) and not have length (3))

def have(resultOfSizeWordApplication : ResultOfSizeWordApplication) : Matcher[AnyRef]
This method enables the following syntax:
     Array(1, 2) should (not have size (5) and not have size (3))

def have[T](firstPropertyMatcher : HavePropertyMatcher[T, Any], propertyMatchers : HavePropertyMatcher[T, Any]*) : Matcher[T]
This method enables the following syntax, where, for example, book is of type Book and title and author are both of type HavePropertyMatcher[Book, String]:
     book should (not have (title ("Moby Dick")) and (not have (author ("Melville"))))

def be[T](beMatcher : BeMatcher[T]) : Matcher[T]
This method enables the following syntax, where, for example, num is an Int and odd of type BeMatcher[Int]:
     num should (not be (odd) and be <= (8))

def be(o : Null) : Matcher[AnyRef]
This method enables the following syntax:
     map should (not be (null))

def be[T](resultOfLessThanComparison : ResultOfLessThanComparison[T]) : Matcher[T]
This method enables the following syntax:
     num should (not be < (7) and not be > (10))

def be[T](resultOfGreaterThanComparison : ResultOfGreaterThanComparison[T]) : Matcher[T]
This method enables the following syntax:
     num should (not be > (10) and not be < (7))

def be[T](resultOfLessThanOrEqualToComparison : ResultOfLessThanOrEqualToComparison[T]) : Matcher[T]
This method enables the following syntax:
     num should (not be <= (7) and not be > (10))

def be[T](resultOfGreaterThanOrEqualToComparison : ResultOfGreaterThanOrEqualToComparison[T]) : Matcher[T]
This method enables the following syntax:
     num should (not be >= (10) and not be < (7))

def be(resultOfTripleEqualsApplication : ResultOfTripleEqualsApplication) : Matcher[Any]
This method enables the following syntax:
     num should (not be === (7) and not be === (10))

def be[T <: AnyRef](symbol : scala.Symbol) : Matcher[T]
This method enables the following syntax:
     myFile should (not be ('hidden) and have (name ("temp.txt")))

def be[T <: AnyRef](bePropertyMatcher : BePropertyMatcher[T]) : Matcher[T]
This method enables the following syntax, where tempFile, for example, refers to a and hidden is a BePropertyMatcher[]:
     tempFile should (not be (hidden) and have ('name ("temp.txt")))

def be[T <: AnyRef](resultOfAWordApplication : ResultOfAWordToSymbolApplication) : Matcher[T]
This method enables the following syntax:
     isNotFileMock should (not be a ('file) and have ('name ("temp.txt"))))

def be[T <: AnyRef](resultOfAWordApplication : ResultOfAWordToBePropertyMatcherApplication[T]) : Matcher[T]
This method enables the following syntax, where notSoSecretFile, for example, refers to a and directory is a BePropertyMatcher[]:
     notSoSecretFile should (not be a (directory) and have ('name ("passwords.txt")))

def be[T <: AnyRef](resultOfAnWordApplication : ResultOfAnWordToSymbolApplication) : Matcher[T]
This method enables the following syntax:
     isNotAppleMock should (not be an ('apple) and not be ('rotten))

def be[T <: AnyRef](resultOfAnWordApplication : ResultOfAnWordToBePropertyMatcherApplication[T]) : Matcher[T]
This method enables the following syntax:
     myFile should (not be an (directory) and not be an (directory))

def be[T <: AnyRef](resultOfTheSameInstanceAsApplication : ResultOfTheSameInstanceAsApplication) : Matcher[T]
This method enables the following syntax:
     myFish should (not be theSameInstanceAs (redFish) and not be theSameInstanceAs (blueFish))

def be(doubleTolerance : DoubleTolerance) : Matcher[Double]
This method enables the following syntax:
     sevenDotOh should ((not be (17.1 plusOrMinus 0.2)) and (not be (27.1 plusOrMinus 0.2)))

def be(floatTolerance : FloatTolerance) : Matcher[Float]
This method enables the following syntax:
     sevenDotOhFloat should ((not be (17.1f plusOrMinus 0.2f)) and (not be (27.1f plusOrMinus 0.2f)))

def be(longTolerance : LongTolerance) : Matcher[Long]
This method enables the following syntax:
     sevenLong should ((not be (19L plusOrMinus 2L)) and (not be (29L plusOrMinus 2L)))

def be(intTolerance : IntTolerance) : Matcher[Int]
This method enables the following syntax:
     sevenInt should ((not be (19 plusOrMinus 2)) and (not be (29 plusOrMinus 2)))

def be(shortTolerance : ShortTolerance) : Matcher[Short]
This method enables the following syntax:
     sevenShort should ((not be (19.toShort plusOrMinus 2.toShort)) and (not be (29.toShort plusOrMinus 2.toShort)))

def be(byteTolerance : ByteTolerance) : Matcher[Byte]
This method enables the following syntax:
     sevenByte should ((not be (19.toByte plusOrMinus 2.toByte)) and (not be (29.toByte plusOrMinus 2.toByte)))

def be(right : Any) : Matcher[Any]
This method enables be to be used for inequality comparison. Here are some examples:
     object should not be (None)
     object should not be (Some(1))
     result should not be (true)
     result should not be (false)
     sum should not be (19)

def fullyMatch(resultOfRegexWordApplication : ResultOfRegexWordApplication) : Matcher[java.lang.String]
This method enables the following syntax:
     string should (not fullyMatch regex ("Hel*o) and not include ("orld"))

def include(resultOfRegexWordApplication : ResultOfRegexWordApplication) : Matcher[java.lang.String]
This method enables the following syntax:
     string should (not include regex ("Hel.o") and not include regex ("""(-)?(\d+)(\.\d*)?"""))

def include(expectedSubstring : java.lang.String) : Matcher[java.lang.String]
This method enables the following syntax:
     string should (not include ("cat") and not include ("1.7"))

def startWith(resultOfRegexWordApplication : ResultOfRegexWordApplication) : Matcher[java.lang.String]
This method enables the following syntax:
     string should (not startWith regex ("hel*o") and not endWith regex ("wor.d))

def startWith(expectedSubstring : java.lang.String) : Matcher[java.lang.String]
This method enables the following syntax:
     string should ((not startWith ("red")) and (not startWith ("1.7")))

def endWith(resultOfRegexWordApplication : ResultOfRegexWordApplication) : Matcher[java.lang.String]
This method enables the following syntax:
     string should (not endWith regex ("wor.d") and not startWith regex ("Hel*o"))

def endWith(expectedSubstring : java.lang.String) : Matcher[java.lang.String]
This method enables the following syntax:
     string should (not endWith ("blue") and not endWith ("1.7"))

def contain[T](expectedElement : T) : Matcher[scala.Iterable[T]]
This method enables the following syntax:
     Array(1, 2) should (not contain (5) and not contain (3))

def contain[K](resultOfKeyWordApplication : ResultOfKeyWordApplication[K]) : Matcher[scala.collection.Map[K, Any]]
This method enables the following syntax:
     Map("one" -> 1, "two" -> 2) should (not contain key ("three"))

def contain[K, V](resultOfValueWordApplication : ResultOfValueWordApplication[V]) : Matcher[scala.collection.Map[Any, V]]
This method enables the following syntax:
     Map("one" -> 1, "two" -> 2) should (not contain value (3))

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