

package scalatest

Members supporting ScalaTest's DSL for the Scala interpreter.

  1. Public
  2. All
  1. Concrete
  2. Abstract

Type Members

  1. trait AbstractSuite extends AnyRef

    Trait that defines abstract methods that are implemented in Suite that can be overriden in stackable modification traits.

  2. trait Assertions extends AnyRef

    Trait that contains ScalaTest's basic assertion methods.

  3. trait BeforeAndAfterAll extends AbstractSuite

    Trait that can be mixed into suites that need methods invoked before and after executing the suite.

  4. trait BeforeAndAfterAllFunctions extends AbstractSuite

    Trait that can be mixed into suites that need code executed before and after executing the suite.

  5. trait BeforeAndAfterEach extends AbstractSuite

    Trait that can be mixed into suites that need methods invoked before and after running each test.

  6. trait BeforeAndAfterEachFunctions extends AbstractSuite

    Trait that can be mixed into suites that need code executed before and after running each test.

  7. trait Distributor extends AnyRef

    Trait whose instances facilitate parallel execution of Suites.

  8. class DuplicateTestNameException extends StackDepthException

    Exception that indicates an attempt was made to register a test that had the same name as a test already registered in the same suite.

  9. trait FailureOf extends AnyRef

    Trait that contains the failureOf method, which captures an exception thrown by a passed code block and returns it wrapped in a Some, or returns None if no exception is thrown.

  10. trait FeatureSpec extends Suite

    A suite of tests in which each test represents one scenario of a feature.

  11. class Filter extends (Set[String], Map[String, Set[String]]) ⇒ List[(String, Boolean)]

    Filter whose apply method determines which of the passed tests to run and ignore based on tags to include and exclude passed as as class parameters.

  12. trait FlatSpec extends Suite with ShouldVerb with MustVerb with CanVerb

    Trait that facilitates a “behavior-driven” style of development (BDD), in which tests are combined with text that specifies the behavior the tests verify.

  13. trait FreeSpec extends Suite

    Trait that facilitates a “behavior-driven” style of development (BDD), in which tests are nested inside text clauses denoted with the dash operator (-).

  14. trait FunSuite extends Suite

    A suite of tests in which each test is represented as a function value.

  15. trait GivenWhenThen extends AnyRef

    Trait that contains methods named given, when, then, and and, which take a string message and implicit Informer, and forward the message to the informer.

  16. trait Informer extends (String) ⇒ Unit

    Trait to which custom information about a running suite of tests can be reported.

  17. trait ModifiableMessage [T <: Throwable] extends AnyRef

    Trait implemented by exception types that can modify their detail message.

  18. class NotAllowedException extends StackDepthException

    Exception that indicates something was attempted in test code that is not allowed.

  19. trait OneInstancePerTest extends AbstractSuite

    Trait that facilitates a style of testing in which each test is run in its own instance of the suite class to isolate each test from the side effects of the other tests in the suite.

  20. trait ParallelTestExecution extends OneInstancePerTest

    Trait that causes that the tests of any suite it is mixed into to be run in parallel if a Distributor is passed to runTests.

  21. class PendingNothing extends AnyRef

    Type that is used as the return type of the pending method in classSuite, which always completes abruptly with aTestPendingException.

  22. trait PrivateMethodTester extends AnyRef

    Trait that facilitates the testing of private methods.

  23. trait PropSpec extends Suite

    A suite of property-based tests.

  24. trait Reporter extends AnyRef

    Trait whose instances collect the results of a running suite of tests and presents those results in some way to the user.

  25. trait Rerunner extends AnyRef

    Trait whose instances can rerun tests or other entities (such as suites).

  26. trait ResourcefulReporter extends Reporter

    Subtrait of Reporter that contains a dispose method for releasing any finite, non-memory resources, such as file handles, held by theReporter. Runner will invoke dispose on any ResourcefulReporter when it no longer needs the Reporter.

  27. trait SequentialNestedSuiteExecution extends AbstractSuite

    Trait that causes that the nested suites of any suite it is mixed into to be run sequentially even if a Distributor is passed to runNestedSuites.

  28. trait SeveredStackTraces extends AbstractSuite

    Trait that causes StackDepth exceptions thrown by a running test (such as TestFailedExceptions) to have the exception's stack trace severed at the stack depth.

  29. trait Shell extends AnyRef

    Trait whose instances provide a run method and configuration fields that implement the ScalaTest shell: its DSL for the Scala interpreter.

  30. trait Spec extends Suite

    Trait that facilitates a &#8220;behavior-driven&#8221; style of development (BDD), in which tests are combined with text that specifies the behavior the tests verify.

  31. class Specs extends Suite

    A Suite class that takes zero to many (likely specification-style) Suites, which will be returned from its nestedSuites method.

  32. trait StackDepth extends AnyRef

    Trait that encapsulates the information required of an exception thrown by ScalaTest's assertions and matchers, which includes a stack depth at which the failing line of test code resides.

  33. class StackDepthException extends RuntimeException with StackDepth

    Exception class that encapsulates information about the stack depth at which the line of code that failed resides, so that information can be presented to the user that makes it quick to find the failing line of code.

  34. trait Stopper extends AnyRef

    Trait whose instances can indicate whether a stop has been requested.

  35. trait Suite extends Assertions with AbstractSuite

    A suite of tests.

  36. class Suites extends Suite

    A Suite class that takes zero to many Suites, which will be returned from its nestedSuites method.

  37. class SuperSuite extends Suites

    SuperSuite has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of ScalaTest.

  38. class Tag extends AnyRef

    Class whose subclasses can be used to tag tests in types FunSuite,Spec, FlatSpec, WordSpec, FeatureSpec, and their sister traits in the org.scalatest.fixture package.

  39. class TestFailedException extends StackDepthException with ModifiableMessage[TestFailedException]

    Exception that indicates a test failed.

  40. class TestPendingException extends RuntimeException

    Exception thrown to indicate a test is pending.

  41. class TestRegistrationClosedException extends StackDepthException

    Exception that indicates an action that is only allowed during a suite's test registration phase, such as registering a test to run or ignore, was attempted after registration had already closed.

  42. class Tracker extends AnyRef

    Class that tracks the progress of a series of Ordinals produced by invokingnext and nextNewOldPair on the current Ordinal.

  43. trait WordSpec extends Suite with ShouldVerb with MustVerb with CanVerb

    Trait that facilitates a &#8220;behavior-driven&#8221; style of development (BDD), in which tests are combined with text that specifies the behavior the tests verify.

Value Members

  1. object Assertions extends Assertions

    Companion object that facilitates the importing of Assertions members as an alternative to mixing it in.

  2. object Distributor extends AnyRef

    Companion object to Distributor that holds a deprecated implicit conversion.

  3. object FailureOf extends FailureOf

    Companion object that facilitates the importing of FailureOf's method as an alternative to mixing it in.

  4. object Filter extends AnyRef

  5. object GivenWhenThen extends GivenWhenThen

    Companion object that facilitates the importing of GivenWhenThen members as an alternative to mixing it in.

  6. object PrivateMethodTester extends PrivateMethodTester

    Companion object that facilitates the importing of PrivateMethodTester members as an alternative to mixing it in.

  7. object Reporter extends AnyRef

    Companion object to Reporter that holds a deprecated implicit conversion.

  8. object Rerunner extends AnyRef

    Companion object to Rerunner that holds a deprecated implicit conversion.

  9. object Specs extends AnyRef

    Companion object to class Specs that offers an apply factory method for creating a Specs instance.

  10. object Stopper extends AnyRef

    Companion object to Stopper that holds a deprecated implicit conversion.

  11. object Suites extends AnyRef

    Companion object to class Suites that offers an apply factory method for creating a Suites instance.

  12. object Tag extends AnyRef

    Companion object for Tag, which offers a factory method.

  13. lazy val color : Shell

    definition classes: root
  14. package concurrent

  15. lazy val durations : Shell

    definition classes: root
  16. package events

  17. package fixture

  18. lazy val fullstacks : Shell

    definition classes: root
  19. package junit

  20. package matchers

  21. package mock

  22. lazy val nocolor : Shell

    definition classes: root
  23. lazy val nodurations : Shell

    definition classes: root
  24. lazy val nostacks : Shell

    definition classes: root
  25. lazy val nostats : Shell

    definition classes: root
  26. package prop

  27. def run (suite: Suite, testName: String =null, configMap: Map[String, Any] =Map()) : Unit

    Run the passed suite, optionally passing in a test name and config map.

    Run the passed suite, optionally passing in a test name and config map.

    This method will invoke execute on the passed suite, passing in the specified (or default) testName and configMap and the configuration values passed to this Shell's constructor (colorPassed, durationsPassed, shortStacksPassed,fullStacksPassed, and statsPassed).

    definition classes: root
  28. lazy val shortstacks : Shell

    definition classes: root
  29. lazy val stats : Shell

    definition classes: root
  30. package testng

  31. package tools

  32. package verb