
object Length

Companion object for Length that provides implicit implementations for the following types:

  • scala.collection.GenSeq
  • String
  • Array
  • java.util.Collection
  • arbitary object with a length() method that returns Int
  • arbitary object with a parameterless length method that returns Int
  • arbitary object with a getLength() method that returns Int
  • arbitary object with a parameterless getLength method that returns Int
  • arbitary object with a length() method that returns Long
  • arbitary object with a parameterless length method that returns Long
  • arbitary object with a getLength() method that returns Long
  • arbitary object with a parameterless getLength method that returns Long
Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. Length
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Value Members

  1. implicit def lengthOfAnyRefWithGetLengthMethodForInt[T <: AnyRef { def getLength(): Int }]: Length[T]

    Enable Length implementation for arbitary object with getLength() method that returns Int.

    Enable Length implementation for arbitary object with getLength() method that returns Int.


    any type with getLength() method that returns Int


    Length[T] that supports T in have length syntax

  2. implicit def lengthOfAnyRefWithGetLengthMethodForLong[T <: AnyRef { def getLength(): Long }]: Length[T]

    Enable Length implementation for arbitary object with getLength() method that returns Long.

    Enable Length implementation for arbitary object with getLength() method that returns Long.


    any type with getLength() method that returns Long


    Length[T] that supports T in have length syntax

  3. implicit def lengthOfAnyRefWithLengthMethodForInt[T <: AnyRef { def length(): Int }]: Length[T]

    Enable Length implementation for arbitary object with length() method that returns Int.

    Enable Length implementation for arbitary object with length() method that returns Int.


    any type with length() method that returns Int


    Length[T] that supports T in have length syntax

  4. implicit def lengthOfAnyRefWithLengthMethodForLong[T <: AnyRef { def length(): Long }]: Length[T]

    Enable Length implementation for arbitary object with length() method that returns Long.

    Enable Length implementation for arbitary object with length() method that returns Long.


    any type with length() method that returns Long


    Length[T] that supports T in have length syntax

  5. implicit def lengthOfAnyRefWithParameterlessGetLengthMethodForInt[T <: AnyRef { def getLength: Int }]: Length[T]

    Enable Length implementation for arbitary object with parameterless getLength method that returns Int.

    Enable Length implementation for arbitary object with parameterless getLength method that returns Int.


    any type with parameterless getLength method that returns Int


    Length[T] that supports T in have length syntax

  6. implicit def lengthOfAnyRefWithParameterlessGetLengthMethodForLong[T <: AnyRef { def getLength: Long }]: Length[T]

    Enable Length implementation for arbitary object with parameterless getLength method that returns Long.

    Enable Length implementation for arbitary object with parameterless getLength method that returns Long.


    any type with parameterless getLength method that returns Long


    Length[T] that supports T in have length syntax

  7. implicit def lengthOfAnyRefWithParameterlessLengthMethodForInt[T <: AnyRef { def length: Int }]: Length[T]

    Enable Length implementation for arbitary object with parameterless length method that returns Int.

    Enable Length implementation for arbitary object with parameterless length method that returns Int.


    any type with parameterless length method that returns Int


    Length[T] that supports T in have length syntax

  8. implicit def lengthOfAnyRefWithParameterlessLengthMethodForLong[T <: AnyRef { def length: Long }]: Length[T]

    Enable Length implementation for arbitary object with parameterless length method that returns Long.

    Enable Length implementation for arbitary object with parameterless length method that returns Long.


    any type with parameterless length method that returns Long


    Length[T] that supports T in have length syntax

  9. implicit def lengthOfArray[E]: Length[Array[E]]

    Enable Length implementation for Array

    Enable Length implementation for Array


    the type of the element in the Array


    Length[Array[E]] that supports Array in have length syntax

  10. implicit def lengthOfGenSeq[SEQ <: GenSeq[_]]: Length[SEQ]

    Enable Length implementation for scala.collection.GenSeq

    Enable Length implementation for scala.collection.GenSeq


    any subtype of scala.collection.GenSeq


    Length[SEQ] that supports scala.collection.GenSeq in have length syntax

  11. implicit def lengthOfJavaList[JLIST <: List[_]]: Length[JLIST]

    Enable Length implementation for java.util.List

    Enable Length implementation for java.util.List


    any subtype of java.util.List


    Length[JLIST] that supports java.util.List in have length syntax

  12. implicit val lengthOfString: Length[String]

    Enable Length implementation for String

    Enable Length implementation for String


    Length[String] that supports String in have length syntax