
final class InAndIgnoreMethods extends AnyRef

Class that supports test registration in shorthand form.

For example, this class enables syntax such as the following test registration in shorthand form:

"A Stack (when empty)" should "be empty" in { ... }

This class also enables syntax such as the following ignored test registration in shorthand form:

"A Stack (when empty)" should "be empty" ignore { ... }

This class is used via an implicit conversion (named convertToInAndIgnoreMethods) from ResultOfStringPassedToVerb. The ResultOfStringPassedToVerb class does not declare any methods named in, because the type passed to in differs in a FlatSpec and a org.scalatest.fixture.FlatSpec. A org.scalatest.fixture.FlatSpec needs two in methods, one that takes a no-arg test function and another that takes a one-arg test function (a test that takes a FixtureParam as its parameter). By constrast, a FlatSpec needs only one in method that takes a by-name parameter. As a result, FlatSpec and org.scalatest.fixture.FlatSpec each provide an implicit conversion from ResultOfStringPassedToVerb to a type that provides the appropriate in methods.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. InAndIgnoreMethods
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Instance Constructors

  1. new InAndIgnoreMethods(resultOfStringPassedToVerb: ResultOfStringPassedToVerb)

Value Members

  1. def ignore(testFun: (AsyncFlatSpecLike.FixtureParam) ⇒ Future[compatible.Assertion])(implicit pos: Position): Unit

    Supports the registration of ignored, one-arg tests (tests that take a FixtureParam parameter) in shorthand form.

    Supports the registration of ignored, one-arg tests (tests that take a FixtureParam parameter) in shorthand form.

    This method supports syntax such as the following:

    "A Stack" must "pop values in last-in-first-out order" ignore { fixture => ... }

    For examples of ignored test registration, see the Ignored tests section in the main documentation for trait FlatSpec.


    the test function

  2. def ignore(testFun: () ⇒ Future[compatible.Assertion])(implicit pos: Position): Unit

    Supports the registration of ignored, no-arg tests in shorthand form.

    Supports the registration of ignored, no-arg tests in shorthand form.

    This method supports syntax such as the following:

    "A Stack" must "pop values in last-in-first-out order" ignore { () => ... }

    For examples of ignored test registration, see the Ignored tests section in the main documentation for trait FlatSpec.


    the test function

  3. def in(testFun: (AsyncFlatSpecLike.FixtureParam) ⇒ Future[compatible.Assertion])(implicit pos: Position): Unit

    Supports the registration of one-arg tests (tests that take a FixtureParam parameter) in shorthand form.

    Supports the registration of one-arg tests (tests that take a FixtureParam parameter) in shorthand form.

    This method supports syntax such as the following:

    "A Stack" must "pop values in last-in-first-out order" in { fixture => ... }

    For examples of test registration, see the main documentation for trait fixture.FlatSpec.


    the test function

  4. def in(testFun: () ⇒ Future[compatible.Assertion])(implicit pos: Position): Unit

    Supports the registration of no-arg tests in shorthand form.

    Supports the registration of no-arg tests in shorthand form.

    This method supports syntax such as the following:

    "A Stack" must "pop values in last-in-first-out order" in { () => ... }

    For examples of test registration, see the main documentation for trait fixture.FlatSpec.


    the test function