trait NoArg extends DelayedInit with () ⇒ Unit
A function that takes no parameters (i.e., a Function0
or "no-arg" function) and results in Unit
, which when
invoked executes the body of the constructor of the class into which this trait is mixed.
This trait extends DelayedInit
and defines a delayedInit
method that
saves the body of the constructor (passed to delayedInit
) for later execution when apply
is invoked.
This trait is somewhat magical and therefore may be challenging for your collegues to understand, so please use it as a last resort only when the
simpler options described in the "shared fixtures" section of your chosen style trait won't do
the job. NoArg
intended to address a specific use case that will likely be rare, and is unlikely to be useful outside of its intended use case, but
it is quite handy for its intended use case (described in the next paragraph).
One potential gotcha, for example, is that a subclass's constructor body could in theory be executed multiple times by simply invoking apply
times. In the intended use case for this trait, however, the body will be executed only once.
The intended use case for this method is (relatively rare) situations in which you want to extend a different instance of the same class for each test, with the body of the test inheriting the members of that class, and with code executed before and/or after the body of the test.
For example, Akka's TestKit
class takes an ActorSystem
which must have a unique name. To run a suite of tests in parallel, each test must get its own ActorSystem
, to
ensure the tests run in isolation. At the end of each test, the ActorSystem
must be shutdown. With NoArg
you can achieve this by first defining a class that extends TestKit
and mixes in NoArg
Here's an example taken with permission from the book Akka Concurrency, by Derek Wyatt:
import import akka.testkit.{TestKit, ImplicitSender} import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger import org.scalatest.fixture.NoArg object ActorSys { val uniqueId = new AtomicInteger(0) } class ActorSys(name: String) extends TestKit(ActorSystem(name)) with ImplicitSender with NoArg { def this() = this( "TestSystem%05d".format( ActorSys.uniqueId.getAndIncrement())) def shutdown(): Unit = system.shutdown() override def apply() { try super.apply() finally shutdown() } }
Given this implementation of ActorSys
, which will invoke shutdown
after the constructor code
is executed, you can run each test in a suite in a subclass of TestKit
, giving each test's TestKit
an ActorSystem
with a unique name, allowing you to safely run those tests in parallel. Here's an example
from Akka Concurrency:
class MyActorSpec extends fixture.WordSpec with Matchers with UnitFixture with ParallelTestExecution { def makeActor(): ActorRef = system.actorOf(Props[MyActor], "MyActor") "My Actor" should { "throw when made with the wrong name" in new ActorSys { an [Exception] should be thrownBy { // use a generated name val a = system.actorOf(Props[MyActor]) } } "construct without exception" in new ActorSys { val a = makeActor() // The throw will cause the test to fail } "respond with a Pong to a Ping" in new ActorSys { val a = makeActor() a ! Ping expectMsg(Pong) } } }
is used in this example, because in this case, the fixture.WordSpec
feature enabling tests to be defined as
functions from fixture objects of type FixtureParam
to Unit
is not being used. Rather, only the secondary feature that enables
tests to be defined as functions from no parameters to Unit
is being used. This secondary feature is described in the second-to-last
paragraph on the main Scaladoc documentation of fixture.WordSpec
, which says:
If a test doesn't need the fixture, you can indicate that by providing a no-arg instead of a one-arg function, ... In other words, instead of starting your function literal with something like “db =>
”, you'd start it with “() =>
”. For such tests,runTest
will not invokewithFixture(OneArgTest)
. It will instead directly invokewithFixture(NoArgTest)
Since FixtureParam
is unused in this use case, it could
be anything. Making it Unit
will hopefully help readers more easily recognize that it is not being used.
Note: As of Scala 2.11, DelayedInit
(which is used by NoArg
) has been deprecated, to indicate it is buggy and should be avoided
if possible. Those in charge of the Scala compiler and standard library have promised that DelayedInit
will not be removed from Scala
unless an alternate way to achieve the same goal is provided. Thus it should be safe to use NoArg
, but if you'd rather
not you can achieve the same effect with a bit more boilerplate by extending (() => Unit
) instead of NoArg
and placing
your code in an explicit body
method. Here's an example:
import import akka.testkit.{TestKit, ImplicitSender} import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger import org.scalatest.fixture.NoArg object ActorSys { val uniqueId = new AtomicInteger(0) } class ActorSys(name: String) extends TestKit(ActorSystem(name)) with ImplicitSender with (() => Unit) { def this() = this( "TestSystem%05d".format( ActorSys.uniqueId.getAndIncrement())) def shutdown(): Unit = system.shutdown() def body(): Unit override def apply() = { try body() finally shutdown() } }
Using this version of ActorSys
will require an explicit
method in the tests:
class MyActorSpec extends fixture.WordSpec with Matchers with UnitFixture with ParallelTestExecution { def makeActor(): ActorRef = system.actorOf(Props[MyActor], "MyActor") "My Actor" should { "throw when made with the wrong name" in new ActorSys { def body() = an [Exception] should be thrownBy { // use a generated name val a = system.actorOf(Props[MyActor]) } } "construct without exception" in new ActorSys { def body() = { val a = makeActor() // The throw will cause the test to fail } } "respond with a Pong to a Ping" in new ActorSys { def body() = { val a = makeActor() a ! Ping expectMsg(Pong) } } } }
- Source
- NoArg.scala
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- NoArg
- Function0
- DelayedInit
- AnyRef
- Any
- Hide All
- Show All
- Public
- All
Value Members
apply(): Unit
Executes the body of the constructor that was passed to
.Executes the body of the constructor that was passed to
.- Definition Classes
- NoArg → Function0
delayedInit(body: ⇒ Unit): Unit
Saves the body of the constructor, passed as
, for later execution byapply
.Saves the body of the constructor, passed as
, for later execution byapply
.- Definition Classes
- NoArg → DelayedInit
styleName: Int
This method exists to cause a compile-time type error if someone accidentally tries to mix this trait into a
.This method exists to cause a compile-time type error if someone accidentally tries to mix this trait into a
.This trait is intended to be mixed into classes that are constructed within the body (or as the body) of tests, not mixed into
s themselves. For an example, the the main Scaladoc comment for this trait. -
toString(): String
- Definition Classes
- Function0 → AnyRef → Any