
package dsl

Classes and traits supporting ScalaTest's matchers DSL.

This package is released as part of the scalatest-matchers-core module.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. dsl
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final class BeWord extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers or MustMatchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

    Class BeWord contains an apply method that takes a Symbol, which uses reflection to find and access a Boolean property and determine if it is true. If the symbol passed is 'empty, for example, the apply method will use reflection to look for a public Java field named "empty", a public method named "empty", or a public method named "isEmpty". If a field, it must be of type Boolean. If a method, it must take no parameters and return Boolean. If multiple candidates are found, the apply method will select based on the following algorithm:

    FieldMethod"is" MethodResult
       Throws TestFailedException, because no candidates found
      isEmpty()Invokes isEmpty()
     empty() Invokes empty()
     empty()isEmpty()Invokes empty() (this can occur when BeanProperty annotation is used)
    empty  Accesses field empty
    empty isEmpty()Invokes isEmpty()
    emptyempty() Invokes empty()
    emptyempty()isEmpty()Invokes empty() (this can occur when BeanProperty annotation is used)

  2. final class ContainWord extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  3. final class DefinedWord extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  4. final class EmptyWord extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  5. final class EndWithWord extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  6. final class ExistWord extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  7. final class FullyMatchWord extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  8. final class HaveWord extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  9. final class IncludeWord extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  10. final class LengthWord extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  11. final class MatchPatternWord extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  12. abstract class MatcherFactory1[-SC, TC1[_]] extends AnyRef

    A matcher factory that can produce a matcher given one typeclass instance.

    A matcher factory that can produce a matcher given one typeclass instance.

    In the type parameters for this class, "SC" means superclass; "TC" (in TC1, TC2, etc.) means typeclass. This class's matcher factory method will produce a Matcher[T], where T is a subtype of (or the same type as) SC, given a typeclass instance for each TCn implicit parameter (for example, a TC1[T], TC2[T], etc.).

  13. abstract class MatcherFactory2[-SC, TC1[_], TC2[_]] extends AnyRef

    A matcher factory that can produce a matcher given two typeclass instances.

    A matcher factory that can produce a matcher given two typeclass instances.

    In the type parameters for this class, "SC" means superclass; "TC" (in TC1, TC2, etc.) means typeclass. This class's matcher factory method will produce a Matcher[T], where T is a subtype of (or the same type as) SC, given a typeclass instance for each TCn implicit parameter (for example, a TC1[T], TC2[T], etc.).

  14. abstract class MatcherFactory3[-SC, TC1[_], TC2[_], TC3[_]] extends AnyRef

    A matcher factory that can produce a matcher given three typeclass instances.

    A matcher factory that can produce a matcher given three typeclass instances.

    In the type parameters for this class, "SC" means superclass; "TC" (in TC1, TC2, etc.) means typeclass. This class's matcher factory method will produce a Matcher[T], where T is a subtype of (or the same type as) SC, given a typeclass instance for each TCn implicit parameter (for example, a TC1[T], TC2[T], etc.).

  15. abstract class MatcherFactory4[-SC, TC1[_], TC2[_], TC3[_], TC4[_]] extends AnyRef

    A matcher factory that can produce a matcher given four typeclass instances.

    A matcher factory that can produce a matcher given four typeclass instances.

    In the type parameters for this class, "SC" means superclass; "TC" (in TC1, TC2, etc.) means typeclass. This class's matcher factory method will produce a Matcher[T], where T is a subtype of (or the same type as) SC, given a typeclass instance for each TCn implicit parameter (for example, a TC1[T], TC2[T], etc.).

  16. abstract class MatcherFactory5[-SC, TC1[_], TC2[_], TC3[_], TC4[_], TC5[_]] extends AnyRef

    A matcher factory that can produce a matcher given five typeclass instances.

    A matcher factory that can produce a matcher given five typeclass instances.

    In the type parameters for this class, "SC" means superclass; "TC" (in TC1, TC2, etc.) means typeclass. This class's matcher factory method will produce a Matcher[T], where T is a subtype of (or the same type as) SC, given a typeclass instance for each TCn implicit parameter (for example, a TC1[T], TC2[T], etc.).

  17. abstract class MatcherFactory6[-SC, TC1[_], TC2[_], TC3[_], TC4[_], TC5[_], TC6[_]] extends AnyRef

    A matcher factory that can produce a matcher given six typeclass instances.

    A matcher factory that can produce a matcher given six typeclass instances.

    In the type parameters for this class, "SC" means superclass; "TC" (in TC1, TC2, etc.) means typeclass. This class's matcher factory method will produce a Matcher[T], where T is a subtype of (or the same type as) SC, given a typeclass instance for each TCn implicit parameter (for example, a TC1[T], TC2[T], etc.).

  18. abstract class MatcherFactory7[-SC, TC1[_], TC2[_], TC3[_], TC4[_], TC5[_], TC6[_], TC7[_]] extends AnyRef

    A matcher factory that can produce a matcher given seven typeclass instances.

    A matcher factory that can produce a matcher given seven typeclass instances.

    In the type parameters for this class, "SC" means superclass; "TC" (in TC1, TC2, etc.) means typeclass. This class's matcher factory method will produce a Matcher[T], where T is a subtype of (or the same type as) SC, given a typeclass instance for each TCn implicit parameter (for example, a TC1[T], TC2[T], etc.).

  19. abstract class MatcherFactory8[-SC, TC1[_], TC2[_], TC3[_], TC4[_], TC5[_], TC6[_], TC7[_], TC8[_]] extends AnyRef

    A matcher factory that can produce a matcher given eight typeclass instances.

    A matcher factory that can produce a matcher given eight typeclass instances.

    In the type parameters for this class, "SC" means superclass; "TC" (in TC1, TC2, etc.) means typeclass. This class's matcher factory method will produce a Matcher[T], where T is a subtype of (or the same type as) SC, given a typeclass instance for each TCn implicit parameter (for example, a TC1[T], TC2[T], etc.).

  20. abstract class MatcherFactory9[-SC, TC1[_], TC2[_], TC3[_], TC4[_], TC5[_], TC6[_], TC7[_], TC8[_], TC9[_]] extends AnyRef

    A matcher factory that can produce a matcher given nine typeclass instances.

    A matcher factory that can produce a matcher given nine typeclass instances.

    In the type parameters for this class, "SC" means superclass; "TC" (in TC1, TC2, etc.) means typeclass. This class's matcher factory method will produce a Matcher[T], where T is a subtype of (or the same type as) SC, given a typeclass instance for each TCn implicit parameter (for example, a TC1[T], TC2[T], etc.).

  21. trait MatcherWords extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  22. final class NoExceptionWord extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  23. final class NotWord extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  24. final class PleaseUseNoExceptionShouldSyntaxInstead extends AnyRef
  25. final class ReadableWord extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  26. final class RegexWithGroups extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  27. final class ResultOfATypeInvocation[T] extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  28. final class ResultOfAWordToAMatcherApplication[T] extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  29. final class ResultOfAWordToBePropertyMatcherApplication[T] extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  30. final class ResultOfAWordToSymbolApplication extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  31. class ResultOfAllElementsOfApplication extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  32. class ResultOfAllOfApplication extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  33. final class ResultOfAnTypeInvocation[T] extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  34. final class ResultOfAnWordToAnMatcherApplication[T] extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  35. final class ResultOfAnWordToBePropertyMatcherApplication[T] extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  36. final class ResultOfAnWordToSymbolApplication extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  37. class ResultOfAtLeastOneElementOfApplication extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  38. class ResultOfAtLeastOneOfApplication extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  39. class ResultOfAtMostOneElementOfApplication extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  40. class ResultOfAtMostOneOfApplication extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  41. final class ResultOfBeThrownBy extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  42. final class ResultOfBeWordForAType[T] extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  43. final class ResultOfBeWordForAnType[T] extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  44. final class ResultOfBeWordForNoException extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  45. class ResultOfContainWord[L] extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  46. final class ResultOfDefinedAt[T] extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  47. final class ResultOfGreaterThanComparison[T] extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  48. final class ResultOfGreaterThanOrEqualToComparison[T] extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  49. class ResultOfInOrderApplication extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  50. class ResultOfInOrderElementsOfApplication extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  51. class ResultOfInOrderOnlyApplication extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  52. final class ResultOfKeyWordApplication extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  53. final class ResultOfLengthWordApplication extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  54. final class ResultOfLessThanComparison[T] extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  55. final class ResultOfLessThanOrEqualToComparison[T] extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  56. final class ResultOfMessageWordApplication extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  57. class ResultOfNoElementsOfApplication extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  58. class ResultOfNoneOfApplication extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  59. final class ResultOfNotExist extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  60. final class ResultOfNotWordForAny[T] extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  61. final class ResultOfOfTypeInvocation[T] extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  62. class ResultOfOneElementOfApplication extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  63. class ResultOfOneOfApplication extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  64. class ResultOfOnlyApplication extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  65. final class ResultOfRegexWordApplication extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

    The primary constructor enables the following syntax (with a passed scala.util.matching.Regex):

    "eight" should not fullyMatch regex ("""(-)?(\d+)(\.\d*)?""".r)

  66. final class ResultOfSizeWordApplication extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  67. class ResultOfTheSameElementsAsApplication extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  68. class ResultOfTheSameElementsInOrderAsApplication extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  69. final class ResultOfTheSameInstanceAsApplication extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  70. final class ResultOfTheTypeInvocation[T] extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  71. final class ResultOfThrownByApplication extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  72. final class ResultOfValueWordApplication extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  73. final class SizeWord extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  74. final class SortedWord extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  75. final class StartWithWord extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

  76. final class WritableWord extends AnyRef

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL.

    This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

Value Members

  1. object MatcherFactory1

    Companion object containing an implicit method that converts a MatcherFactory1 to a Matcher.

  2. object MatcherFactory2

    Companion object containing an implicit method that converts a MatcherFactory2 to a Matcher.

  3. object MatcherFactory3

    Companion object containing an implicit method that converts a MatcherFactory3 to a Matcher.

  4. object MatcherFactory4

    Companion object containing an implicit method that converts a MatcherFactory4 to a Matcher.

  5. object MatcherFactory5

    Companion object containing an implicit method that converts a MatcherFactory5 to a Matcher.

  6. object MatcherFactory6

    Companion object containing an implicit method that converts a MatcherFactory6 to a Matcher.

  7. object MatcherFactory7

    Companion object containing an implicit method that converts a MatcherFactory7 to a Matcher.

  8. object MatcherFactory8

    Companion object containing an implicit method that converts a MatcherFactory8 to a Matcher.

  9. object MatcherWords extends MatcherWords

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
