
class MapMustWrapper

[source: org/scalatest/matchers/MustMatchers.scala]

final class MapMustWrapper[K, V](left : scala.collection.Map[K, V])
extends AnyRef
This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for MustMatchers or ShouldMatchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.

This class is used in conjunction with an implicit conversion to enable must methods to be invoked on objects of type scala.collection.Map[K, V].

Bill Venners
Method Summary
def must (containWord : ContainWord) : ResultOfContainWordForMap[K, V]
This method enables syntax such as the following:
     map must contain key (10)
def must (haveWord : HaveWord) : ResultOfHaveWordForCollection[(K, V)]
This method enables syntax such as the following:
     map must have size (3)
def must (rightMatcher : Matcher[scala.collection.Map[K, V]]) : Unit
This method enables syntax such as the following:
     map must equal (Map(1 -> "one", 2 -> "two"))
def must (notWord : NotWord) : ResultOfNotWordForMap[K, V]
This method enables syntax such as the following:
     map must not have size (3)
def must (beWord : BeWord) : ResultOfBeWordForAnyRef[scala.collection.Map[K, V]]
This method enables syntax such as the following:
     map must be theSameInstanceAs (anotherMap)
Methods inherited from AnyRef
getClass, hashCode, equals, clone, toString, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait, finalize, ==, !=, eq, ne, synchronized
Methods inherited from Any
==, !=, isInstanceOf, asInstanceOf
Method Details
def must(rightMatcher : Matcher[scala.collection.Map[K, V]]) : Unit
This method enables syntax such as the following:
     map must equal (Map(1 -> "one", 2 -> "two"))

def must(beWord : BeWord) : ResultOfBeWordForAnyRef[scala.collection.Map[K, V]]
This method enables syntax such as the following:
     map must be theSameInstanceAs (anotherMap)

def must(haveWord : HaveWord) : ResultOfHaveWordForCollection[(K, V)]
This method enables syntax such as the following:
     map must have size (3)

def must(containWord : ContainWord) : ResultOfContainWordForMap[K, V]
This method enables syntax such as the following:
     map must contain key (10)

def must(notWord : NotWord) : ResultOfNotWordForMap[K, V]
This method enables syntax such as the following:
     map must not have size (3)

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