


final case class IndentedText(formattedText: String, rawText: String, indentationLevel: Int) extends Formatter with Product with Serializable

A Formatter providing information that enables reporters to create more stylized output.

An example is that specification-style suites, such as FunSpec, generate output that reads more like a specification, for instance:

A Stack (when newly created)
- should be empty
- should complain when popped

This output might be generated by ScalaTest's standard out reporter. Each of these lines would be taken from the IndentedText's formattedText parameter. Were this same run to be reported in HTML or in a GUI, the output would be based on the rawText and the indentationLevel. Here's what the IndentedText values would be for each event:

  • InfoProvided reported with an:
      formattedText = "A Stack (when newly created)",
      rawText = "A Stack (when newly created)",
      indentationLevel = 0
  • TestSucceeded reported with an:
      formattedText = "- should be empty",
      rawText = "should be empty",
      indentationLevel = 1
  • TestSucceeded reported with an:
      formattedText = "- should complain when popped",
      rawText = "should complain when popped",
      indentationLevel = 1

One possible way this information could be presented in HTML, for example, is this:

A Stack (when newly created)

  • should be empty
  • should complain when popped

a localized string suitable for presenting to a user by printing it straight to an output stream


a localized string suitable for presenting to the user after in some way being indented by the value specified as the indentationLevel parameter


a zero or positive integer representing an indentation level for the indented text

Exceptions thrown

IllegalArgumentException if the specified indentationLevel is less than zero

Linear Supertypes
Formatter, Serializable, Serializable, Product, Equals, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. IndentedText
  2. Formatter
  3. Serializable
  4. Serializable
  5. Product
  6. Equals
  7. AnyRef
  8. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Instance Constructors

  1. new IndentedText(formattedText: String, rawText: String, indentationLevel: Int)


    a localized string suitable for presenting to a user by printing it straight to an output stream


    a localized string suitable for presenting to the user after in some way being indented by the value specified as the indentationLevel parameter


    a zero or positive integer representing an indentation level for the indented text

    Exceptions thrown

    IllegalArgumentException if the specified indentationLevel is less than zero

Value Members

  1. val formattedText: String
  2. val indentationLevel: Int
  3. val rawText: String