final case class NameInfo(suiteName: String, suiteId: String, suiteClassName: Option[String], testName: Option[String]) extends Product with Serializable

Class that holds information about names for the information events InfoProvided, MarkupProvided, ScopeOpened, ScopeClosed, ScopePending, AlertProvided and NoteProvided.

An information event may be fired from anywhere. In this respect these events are different from the other events, for which it is defined whether they are fired in the context of a suite or test. If fired in the context of a test, an information event event should include a NameInfo in which testName is defined. If fired in the context of a suite, but not a test, the InfoProvided event should include a NameInfo in which testName is not defined. If fired within the context of neither a suite nor a test, the nameInfo of the InfoProvided event (an Option[NameInfo]) should be None.

If either suiteClassName or testName is defined, then suiteName and suiteId must be defined. The suite class name parameter is optional even if a suite name is provided by passing a Some as suiteName, because suites in ScalaTest are an abstraction that need not necessarily correspond to one class. Nevertheless, in most cases each suite will correspond to a class, and when it does, the fully qualified name of that class should be reported by passing a Some for suiteClassName. One use for this bit of information is JUnit integration, because the "name" provided to a JUnit org.junit.runner.Description appears to usually include a fully qualified class name by convention.


an optional name of the suite about which an information event was fired


an optional string ID for the suite about which an information event was fired, intended to be unique across all suites in a run


an optional fully qualifed Suite class name about which the information was provided


an optional test name information

Linear Supertypes
Serializable, Serializable, Product, Equals, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. NameInfo
  2. Serializable
  3. Serializable
  4. Product
  5. Equals
  6. AnyRef
  7. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Instance Constructors

  1. new NameInfo(suiteName: String, suiteId: String, suiteClassName: Option[String], testName: Option[String])


    an optional name of the suite about which an information event was fired


    an optional string ID for the suite about which an information event was fired, intended to be unique across all suites in a run


    an optional fully qualifed Suite class name about which the information was provided


    an optional test name information

Value Members

  1. val suiteClassName: Option[String]
  2. val suiteId: String
  3. val suiteName: String
  4. val testName: Option[String]