
case class Failed(exception: Throwable) extends Exceptional with Product with Serializable

Outcome for a test that failed, containing an exception describing the cause of the failure.

Note: the difference between this Failed class and the similarly named FailedStatus object is that an instance of this class indicates one test failed, whereas the FailedStatus object indicates either one or more tests failed and/or one or more suites aborted during a run. Both are used as the result type of Suite lifecycle methods, but Failed is a possible result of withFixture, whereas FailedStatus is a possible result of run, runNestedSuites, runTests, or runTest. In short, Failed is always just about one test, whereas FailedStatus could be about something larger: multiple tests or an entire suite.

Linear Supertypes
Exceptional, Outcome, Serializable, Serializable, Product, Equals, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. Failed
  2. Exceptional
  3. Outcome
  4. Serializable
  5. Serializable
  6. Product
  7. Equals
  8. AnyRef
  9. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Instance Constructors

  1. new Failed(exception: Throwable)

Value Members

  1. val exception: Throwable
  2. val isCanceled: Boolean

    Indicates whether this Outcome represents a test that was canceled.

    Indicates whether this Outcome represents a test that was canceled.

    This class's implementation of this method always returns false.


    true if this Outcome is an instance of Canceled.

    Definition Classes
  3. val isExceptional: Boolean

    Indicates that this Outcome represents a test that either failed or was canceled.

    Indicates that this Outcome represents a test that either failed or was canceled.



    Definition Classes
  4. val isFailed: Boolean

    Indicates that this Outcome represents a test that failed.

    Indicates that this Outcome represents a test that failed.

    This class's implementation of this method always returns true.



    Definition Classes
  5. val isPending: Boolean

    Indicates whether this Outcome represents a test that was pending.

    Indicates whether this Outcome represents a test that was pending.

    This class's implementation of this method always returns false.


    true if this Outcome is an instance of Pending.

    Definition Classes
  6. val isSucceeded: Boolean

    Indicates whether this Outcome represents a test that succeeded.

    Indicates whether this Outcome represents a test that succeeded.

    This class's implementation of this method always returns false.


    true if this Outcome is an instance of Succeeded.

    Definition Classes
  7. def toOption: Option[Throwable]

    Converts this Exceptional to a Some that wraps the contained exception.

    Converts this Exceptional to a Some that wraps the contained exception.


    A Some wrapping the exception contained in this Exceptional.

    Definition Classes
  8. def toSucceeded: Succeeded.type

    Converts this Outcome to a Succeeded.

    Converts this Outcome to a Succeeded.

    The implmentation of this class will re-throw the passed in exception.


    Succeeded if this Outcome instance is a Succeeded.

    Definition Classes