
object LoneElement extends LoneElement

Companion object that facilitates the importing of LoneElement members as an alternative to mixing it in. One use case is to import LoneElement's members so you can use loneElement in the Scala interpreter.

Linear Supertypes
LoneElement, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. LoneElement
  2. LoneElement
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
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  1. Public
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Type Members

  1. final class LoneElementCollectionWrapper [E, CTC[_]] extends AnyRef

    Wrapper class that adds a loneElement method to any collection type C for which an implicit Collecting[C] is available.

    Wrapper class that adds a loneElement method to any collection type C for which an implicit Collecting[C] is available.

    Through the implicit conversion provided by trait LoneElement, this class allows you to make statements like:

    trav.loneElement should be > 9


    the element type of the collection on which to add the loneElement method


    the "collection type constructor" for the collection on which to add the loneElement method

    Definition Classes
  2. final class LoneElementJavaMapWrapper [K, V, JMAP[_, _] <: Map[_, _]] extends AnyRef

    Wrapper class that adds a loneElement method to Java Map for which an implicit Collecting[org.scalatest.Entry, java.util.Map] is available.

    Wrapper class that adds a loneElement method to Java Map for which an implicit Collecting[org.scalatest.Entry, java.util.Map] is available.

    Through the implicit conversion provided by trait LoneElement, this class allows you to make statements like:

    jmap.loneElement.getKey should be > 9


    the element type of the Java Map key on which to add the loneElement method


    the element type of the Java Map value on which to add the loneElement method


    the "Java Map type constructor" for the collection on which to add the loneElement method

    Definition Classes
  3. final class LoneElementStringWrapper extends AnyRef

    Wrapper class that adds a loneElement method to String for which an implicit Collecting[C] is available.

    Wrapper class that adds a loneElement method to String for which an implicit Collecting[C] is available.

    Through the implicit conversion provided by trait LoneElement, this class allows you to make statements like:

    "9".loneElement should be ('9')

    Definition Classes

Value Members

  1. implicit def convertJavaMapToCollectionLoneElementWrapper[K, V, JMAP[_, _] <: Map[_, _]](jmap: JMAP[K, V])(implicit collecting: Collecting[Entry[K, V], JMAP[K, V]], prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position): LoneElementJavaMapWrapper[K, V, JMAP]
    Definition Classes
  2. implicit def convertToCollectionLoneElementWrapper[E, CTC[_]](collection: CTC[E])(implicit collecting: Collecting[E, CTC[E]], prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position): LoneElementCollectionWrapper[E, CTC]

    Implicit conversion that adds a loneElement method to any collection type C for which an implicit Collecting[C] is available.

    Implicit conversion that adds a loneElement method to any collection type C for which an implicit Collecting[C] is available.


    the element type of the collection on which to add the loneElement method


    the "collection type constructor" for the collection on which to add the loneElement method


    the collection on which to add the loneElement method


    a typeclass that enables the loneElement syntax

    Definition Classes
  3. implicit def convertToStringLoneElementWrapper(s: String)(implicit prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position): LoneElementStringWrapper

    Implicit conversion that adds a loneElement method to String for which an implicit Collecting[C] is available.

    Implicit conversion that adds a loneElement method to String for which an implicit Collecting[C] is available.


    the String to wrap

    Definition Classes