
object Outcome extends Serializable

Companion object for trait Outcome that contains an implicit method that enables collections of Outcomes to be flattened into a collections of contained exceptions.

Linear Supertypes
Serializable, Serializable, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. Outcome
  2. Serializable
  3. Serializable
  4. AnyRef
  5. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Value Members

  1. implicit def convertOutcomeToIterator(outcome: Outcome): Iterator[Throwable]

    Enables collections of Outcomes to be flattened into a collections of contained exceptions.

    Enables collections of Outcomes to be flattened into a collections of contained exceptions.

    Here's an example:

    scala> import org.scalatest._
    import org.scalatest._
    scala> import prop.TableDrivenPropertyChecks._
    import prop.TableDrivenPropertyChecks._
    scala> val squares = // (includes errors)
         |   Table(
         |     ("x", "square"),
         |     ( 0 ,     0   ),
         |     ( 1 ,     1   ),
         |     ( 2 ,     4   ),
         |     ( 3 ,     8   ),
         |     ( 4 ,    16   ),
         |     ( 5 ,    26   ),
         |     ( 6 ,    36   )
         |   )
    squares: org.scalatest.prop.TableFor2[Int,Int] =
      TableFor2((x,square), (0,0), (1,1), (2,4), (3,8), (4,16), (5,26), (6,36))

    Given the above table, which includes some errors, you can obtain an IndexedSeq of the Outcomes of executing an assertion on each row of the table with outcomeOf, like this:

    scala> import OutcomeOf._
    import OutcomeOf._
    scala> import Matchers._
    import Matchers._
    scala> val outcomes = for ((x, square) <- squares) yield outcomeOf { square shouldEqual x * x }
    outcomes: IndexedSeq[org.scalatest.Outcome] =
      Vector(Succeeded, Succeeded, Succeeded,
      Failed(org.scalatest.exceptions.TestFailedException: 8 did not equal 9), Succeeded,
      Failed(org.scalatest.exceptions.TestFailedException: 26 did not equal 25), Succeeded)

    Now you have a collection of all the outcomes, including successful ones. If you just want the Failed and Canceled outcomes, which contain exceptions, you can filter out anything that isn't "exceptional," like this:

    scala> outcomes.filter(_.isExceptional)
    res1: IndexedSeq[org.scalatest.Outcome] =
      Vector(Failed(org.scalatest.exceptions.TestFailedException: 8 did not equal 9),
      Failed(org.scalatest.exceptions.TestFailedException: 26 did not equal 25))

    But if you just wanted the contained exceptions, you can (thanks to this implicit method) invoke flatten on your collection:

    scala> outcomes.flatten
    res2: IndexedSeq[Throwable] =
      Vector(org.scalatest.exceptions.TestFailedException: 8 did not equal 9,
      org.scalatest.exceptions.TestFailedException: 26 did not equal 25)